Blog | Script Revolution


The Script Revolution blog is all about articles that may help screenwriters and filmmakers develop their craft, maximise opportunities, and stay updated on the latest news about the site. This isn't a place where you'll find fear-mongering and browbeating, nor is it a conduit for rule delusions and service advertising. Guest posts are more than welcome and offer a way for members to generate a little more exposure for themselves.

Ville Nummenpää 16 Dec 2024 9

If there's one topic you'll often see me ranting about it's art, and how important it is for screenwriters to not only see their work as art, but themselves as artists, with strong artistic voices that have been actively developed over time. We have a terrible culture within various communities where art is treated like a dirty word. If you've been led into feeling that way, perhaps this article from Ville Nummenpää will help you see the light - CJ

Larry Postel 07 Oct 2024 3

Those who've studied the reality of building a screenwriting career will know that it typically requires a lot of time, take it from this writer who's twelve years into chasing his dream. It requires a great deal of determination, or as Larry Postel calls it in this blog, 'tenacity'. The thing is, it's one thing talking about that and another to inspire it. The good news is Larry has provided a list of pointers, and even a poem, to help keep that motivation going - CJ

Robert Bruinewoud 24 Jul 2024 6

Regardless of how far we are into our writing journey, getting read and soliciting valuable feedback can be tough, especially if you want things to move fast. Most screenwriters tend to rely on other writers via feedback swaps or resort to paying professional readers to provide their opinion. In this blog, Robert Bruinewoud offers an alternative worth considering, and he's provided a full guide on how to go about it - CJ

Clark Ransom 15 Jul 2024 6

The Gauntlet from ScriptHop has been one of the biggest things to happen in the break-in screenwriting world for some time and, like any service of its type, has sparked a degree of controversy from those who've already pre-decided if it does or doesn't work. Here's the opinion of Rockstar Script Revolution member Clark Ransom, who has been one of the first to try out what this service has to offer - CJ

Larry Postel 22 Apr 2024 3

AI is the hottest and perhaps most contentious topic in the writing space right now, with strong opinions both for and against its involvement, if any, in various stages of the writing process. AI script analysis platforms are now out there, and Larry Postel, a writer familiar with both human and non-human sides of these services, has some comparisons to make - CJ

Rick Hansberry 08 Apr 2024 0

A lot of metaphorical comparisons are made with building a screenwriting career, but few compare as well as going out and getting a job in a different field. In this blog, Rick Hansberry draws many parallels based on his own experiences. Be warned though, his advice here is brutal and to the point, so those waiting for the world to come to them need not apply - CJ

Rick Hansberry 29 Jan 2024 2

If you are looking for something a little inspirational to get you kickstarted into the year, Rick Hansberry has put together this great little summary of his biggest lessons in 2024. Through this blog, you'll find both guidance and a reminder that there's plenty of light still there at the end of that long, dark tunnel - CJ

Larry Postel 19 Dec 2023 5

Larry Postel returns once again with a poignant and easily digestible blog giving a few essential pointers for how to best approach the new year in the most empowering way. Don't give this one a miss and be sure to heed the advice given as it's one of the wisest roundups I've seen and comes from a writer who's making real progress in his career - CJ

Ronika Merl 11 Dec 2023 0

We need to talk more about what a screenwriting career realistically looks like for most, especially in those early years (or even decades of the journey). While the concept of writing specs and selling them for a sustainable income sounds wonderful, it's a position only a tiny few people find themselves in, and should in no way be considered the norm. In this blog, Ronika Merl, a writer-director who's seen a remarkable rise in a relatively short time, details how she fills in those gaps between sales and greenlights while still leaning heavily into the art form she loves - CJ

Larry Postel 30 Aug 2023 8

Ask yourself this question; when was the last time you were in a room full of people laughing until you were crying? Was it at a comedy gig, with your friends at a bar, or in a movie theatre full of strangers? Chances are, unless you've been to see any kids animated features lately, it wasn't the latter. It seems the era of comedies having cinema goers in stitches is well and truly over. But why, and what can be done about it? Larry Postel has some thoughts on the matter - CJ

CJ Walley 09 Aug 2023 8

Articles on AI are running thick and fast right now, so I forgive that little sigh you made when you saw the title for this one pop-up. If, as a screenwriter, you have time for one blog on the subject however, please make it this one, because I feel it’s time for a little balance and realism before many writers realise it’s too late to change their approach and find themselves rapidly left behind - CJ

Ville Nummenpää 31 Jul 2023 2

We've all been there, wanting opinions on our work that are hopefully positive and motivating while fearing the feedback that comes back is actually so negative it invalidates the dreams we are chasing. Anyone who's gone through the process of critical review should know how brutal it can be and how much tougher it gets when your work is out there in the public domain. We live in an age where people with no credentials put themselves on pedestals and tell the world how to go about its business, and in this article Ville Nummenpää gives some advice on how to survive it all - CJ

Rick Garrison 19 Jul 2023 12

With no end in sight for the WGA/SAG strike that's brought Hollywood to a halt, any aspiring writer would be forgiven for not knowing where to put the energy they had reserved for querying and pitching. Given that the industry is still so hungry for IP, the novelisation of screenplays might be a wise place to spend time. But how does one go about rewriting a script into the prose required for a book? Well thankfully, Rick Garrison is here to lay out the basics - CJ

Larry Postel 10 Jul 2023 5

In 1981, the first installment of Indiana Jones concluded with the bad guys getting their hands on the Ark of the Covenant only to open it and find their arrogance met with spirits that melt their faces off. 42 years later, there's a certain irony in Lucasfilm crowbarring the franchise chest open again to a righteous wrath of disappointment, criticism, and red ink. Can there be eternal life in IP? Perhaps there is a Holy Grail out there after all, but Larry Postel is here to argue that Hollywood is, for now at least, very much drinking from the wrong cup - CJ

J.E. Clarke 12 Jun 2023 2

As the WGA writers strike goes on, we find ourselves hyper-focused on the deal screenwriters are getting at the peak of the industry and prey they negotiate a deal that's fairer for them. However, winding back to the bigger picture, J.E. Clarke reminds us that there's some fundamental issues that need addressing that impact the full spectrum of filmmaking people often ignore - CJ

Larry Postel 30 May 2023 8

The rapid rise of AI has become an unexpected hot topic within creative circles as the likes of Chat GTP and similar projects offer a way to generate text based on prompts. The concern is understandable, but ultimately, does the average screenwriter need to worry that their careers aspirations have been dashed? Four-times produced and credited writer, Larry Postel offers his take on the subject, along with a little hope, and an ironic twist ending - CJ

Ville Nummenpää 17 May 2023 3

Those of you who know me personally will know I'm a huge metal-head, and those of you that know me artistically will know I'm all about gritty filmmaking. Tone, genre, texture, voice, whatever you want to call it tends to be the one thing that ties all our writing together, but it's easy to lose track if you fall into the trap of trying to please the masses. In this article, Ville Nummenpää does a great job of explaining how some projects have a dark soul while others feel a bit too plastic - CJ 

CJ Walley 23 Mar 2023 2

For a community obsessed with breaking in, you’d be forgiven for thinking the amateur screenwriting world talks about nothing but what it’s actually like to work in the industry. Sadly, that’s not the case, as very few of those giving advice have ever made it, and those that have tend to get ostracised for their heretic-like views that go against the grain. Here’s ten things I feel you need to know based on my own experiences - CJ

Ronika Merl 16 Mar 2023 0

One of the most courageous filmmakers I know, Ronika Merl, returns once again with an insightful post about finding the right process through trial, error, and mostly inspiration. In this article, she highlights the importance of interrogation; inspecting the inspiration, investigating the material, and questioning.. well... everything. Being asked "why" can be a writer's greatest fear, but ultimately is healthy to ponder those questions at every opportunity. Screenplays tend to be incredibly lightweight forms of story, and thus everything that's there must be there for good reason - CJ

CJ Walley 02 Mar 2023 7

As many of you who are familiar with me know, I like to keep things real when it comes to sharing my journey along the emotional rollercoaster that is building a screenwriting career. On the outside, it may look easy, or even an indulgence, to candidly share the tough times, but being honest, open, authentic, and ultimately vulnerable, isn’t easy, especially when the content is dark and seemingly negative. The following article describes one of my most arduous periods thus far, and I’m sharing it for one main reason - I wish someone had told me about this BS before I had to face it - CJ

Ville Nummenpää 10 Jan 2023 0

Within the first paragraph of Ville Nummenpää's latest blog post you should already have an idea of where it's going as it's a conundrum and trap many of us creatives fall into and become familiar with. This amusing article should serve as a healthy reminder just how quickly things can unravel and the madness can take over as we descend, quite literally in this case, into pure development soup. What's that old saying about too many cooks again? - CJ

CJ Walley 21 Dec 2022 1

We're at that point where it's time to revisit my annual blog about forming a plan to succeed in screenwriting not only in the next twelve months but over the years it typically takes to break in. Christmas is a great time to pause and reflect on where we are and I like to keep this guide updated with any new information I find while keeping it in context in regard to the current state of events. Needless to say, the landscape has changed considerably once again - CJ

Larry Postel 15 Nov 2022 10

Perhaps one of the biggest leaps we make in the early days of our screenwriting journey is the one from writing to networking. Suddenly we have to switch hats and adopt a whole new mindset that encompasses concepts we're unfamiliar with. It's daunting and that's why many stay within the comfort of entering competitions and evaluation services. There's really no substitute for promoting directly to industry members however and the most common way to do that is with querying. In this blog, Larry Postel guides you through a methodology based in quality and not quantity with proof that it's...

Neil Chase 14 Nov 2022 2

You might want to sit down and get comfortable for this insightful blog by Neil Chase, but don't get too comfortable because the topic is going to get under your skin. Dark themes aren't exclusive to horrors or thrillers, they're part of everyday life, so don't skip this one thinking it isn't for you. Detailing a lot about the craft itself and providing helpful examples, Neil goes to remarkable trouble here to list what he feels are the top ten dark themes that can be leveraged to help make a resounding story - CJ

Ville Nummenpää 15 Sep 2022 2

Good stories teach us something and take us on an emotional rollercoaster through the process. Those emotions need to be varied; from feeling elated to feeling mortified and everything in between. There's no denying that we can very violent animals and face very violent realties and, in this blog post, Ville Nummenpää makes a well rounded and slightly tongue-in-cheek case for including violent content within cinema and ultimately within our writing - CJ
