Frequently Asked Questions | Script Revolution

Frequently Asked Questions

Script Revolution has been created by myself, CJ Walley. You can contact me via or, if you are a member, by visiting my profile and clicking the "Send this user a private message" button. I am a working credited writer-producer myself based in the UK with LA based action features to my name and more in production.

Umm, this is kinda awkward. It's just me, CJ Walley. I do everything here from the coding to the graphics to the marketing. It's me who checks your competition placements and coverage endorsements before adding them. It's me checking every new member bio and every new script logline when it's submitted. It's me dealing with technical questions. I have to juggle this all around my writer-producer work and my social life, which is tricky given all the timezone differences, so it's not unusual for me to have to get out of bed at 3am to address something or deal with issues while out and about. Long story short, Script Revolution is literally run out of a bedroom by one guy and still gets referenced in the same sentence as other script hosting websites such as the Black List, Inktip, and Coverfly. It's this lean approach that helps keep the site free and independent. This all said, a shoutout must be given to the STS review team who have found a home here and work tirelessly to help highlight great scripts.

Over the past decade, I've noticed an alarming trend towards writers having to pay to be read while what little exposure they get (if any at all) is limited to a small exclusive club of members. This is a worrying trend in an industry where querying has typically been free and filmmakers have been easily able to solicit submissions. I feel we are in danger of paying to play becoming the norm for screenwriters, while up-and-coming filmmakers are isolated from finding great material. Many can't afford this and this creates a barrier to entry for artists from the most vulnerable backgrounds. It also creates a gambling mentality that many can fall foul of as they believe paying for multiple reads and hoping to get lucky is the key to breaking in. Screenwriting and filmmaking should not be the exclusive domain of the affluent or well connected. There is enough inequality in the world and the arts must be protected.

Besides being free to submit to and requiring no membership to browse, the key difference between Script Revolution and other script listing directories is how material is found and featured. Most script hosting directories work on an expensive pay to be featured model; material is promoted in relation to a premium payment or via costly evaluation services sold directly by the platform. I believe this is flawed for a number of reasons. Firstly, there is no relationship between a writer's affluence and talent (in fact, it's those writers struggling who tend to have some of the best stories to tell). Secondly, and this also applies to script competitions, the system relies on two or more people within process perfectly aligning in terms of tastes and needs during a tiny snapshot of time - which is incredibly unlikely. Thirdly, the readers employed by many of these systems are poorly qualified, under-paid, and overworked, making their evaluations rushed, dispassionate, and of little value to aspiring filmmakers. This is why I believe many services that currently exist are so woefully ineffective and boast success rates of less than one percent despite the money thrown at them.

Script Revolution works on the basis that detail is king and that filmmakers have a basic idea of what they are looking for. Scripts are found by interrogating a huge array of variables associated with a script, be it anything as simple as the genre to logistical requirements such as number of locations to fine detail such as the type of narrative at play. When it come to displaying lists of available scripts, Script Revolution uses an algorithm that is mostly random but factors in prestigious awards, professional coverage, reader favourites, poster quality, whether a synopsis has been included, and member status to help push high-quality, validated material toward the top. This is the essence of the SCRIPTOCRACY; the belief that good scripts attract attention over time and that the general consensus of movie fans reading material on their own terms mixed with the professional opinions of third parties is a robust indicator of value. By being free, Script Revolution gives writers the time exposure their scripts really need to align with the right people while getting additional leverage from prestigious accolades received elsewhere.

It's proven very difficult to get any opinion leaders or media outlets to talk about Script Revolution. That said, some have been there to support what's happening in various ways. Simply Scripts have actively promoted what's happening here from day one while simultaneously doing their best to help screenwriters for free in their own way. Rich "RB" Botto's week end blog (well worth following) mentioned Script Revolution in the very early stages. Stuart Wright from Britflicks and Wayne Kelly from The Joined Up Writing Podcast have both conducted interviews about the platform.

Script Revolution got its first mention in a major publication five years after its launch within the following article; How Screenwriter Databases Like Coverfly and The Black List Can Find the Next Bridgerton 

If the people you look to for guidance haven't told you about this site, which is free to use, has been operating since 2016, and has plenty of success stories to its name, you need to ask yourself why that is. There's a chance they don't have your best interests at heart.

Anthony CawoodP.H. CookWayne TaylorJames BarberRuth MaramisVictor VeraKatie BurkePat RickWarren Duncan and Marc B were the first ten people who saw little more than an idea to bring change and signed up because they believed in it.

I created Script Revolution because I feel the industry and art-form really needs it. When I say the industry, I mean the greater global industry that resides outside of the big Hollywood studios. The simple fact is, as a screenwriter myself, I doubt my writing is ever going to make a significant difference to the world, but this site might. This all began as an altruistic project I funded from my own pocket. After a year of doing that, and due to overwhelming requests by members, I created a Patreon account which allowed people to give financial support. Now with it's own built in billing system, the site is able to offer Rockstar membership status and associated benefits to members through a simple sign-up process which helps cover the costs of keeping the lights on.

I believe that a spec script can be considered a piece of literature and pop-culture material. While a lot of sites and services try to make the identification of great scripts an exclusive and mysteriously curated process, Script Revolution opens readership up to the demographic that matters the most - people worldwide who simply love reading scripts. Movies sell to the general public and it only makes sense to have the same customer base reading through screenplays and favouriting those they love. This is the SCRIPTOCRACY; giving everyone the opportunity to read and support scripts so the material that finds fans also finds exposure. Industry members looking for valuable specs and promising writers can browse Script Revolution knowing material isn't being judged (and potentially sandbagged) by a tiny pool of pretentious critics, it's finding positive connections with a genuine audience.

When it comes to "investing in yourself", it's easy to spend (and waste) a lot of money trying to break into a professional screenwriting career. One of the biggest issues is throwing good money after bad at products and services which are ineffective or locked in to certain platforms. Here on Script Revolution, I'm building a platform that offers guidance, points to resources, and gives potential exposure to those willing to invest in things that will genuinely benefit them across the board. While it would make me a very rich man fast, Script Revolution does not run competitions, offer anonymous feedback/coverage/evaluations, nor push its own products or put people into a mysterious ranking system. You will not be sold pitch sessions or told you need to pay for consultancy here. Instead, you will be encouraged to read books from successful professionals, rewarded for placements in reputable competitions, and highlighted for recommends from respected coverage services while honing your craft and marketing your material as best you can. The idea being that any benefits gained can be applied across the board outside of Script Revolution and in perpetuity. While there is the paid Rockstar tier of membership here, a lot of effort is put into securing discount deals that mean a writer can easily save more than they spend on products and services that are genuinely useful to them along with a host of additional benefits.

I think it's safe to say most top level industry members are swamped with submissions and have their readers working day and night to provide coverage on a seemingly never ending slush pile. While I know some script listing services out there make a real song and dance about who's looking through their listings, I'm not going to do that. It's going to take time for Script Revolution to build its user base and I expect the vast majority of it to come from those who aren't the privileged few - I'm talking small independents, students, managers at the start of their careers. I'm talking those hundreds of thousands outside of Hollywood and around the world. For what it's worth, members have had their scripts optioned and bought after being found on Script Revolution and gotten the kind of deals that launch careers rather than allow writers to retire early. This all said, the profile of industry members joining Script Revolution is raising all the time as the site becomes more and more well known. 

While everybody is free to join Script Revolution, writers ultimately control who can download their material via the Read Request system. This is easy to use and you’ll be instructed through every stage whenever notified and required to act.

If you are a writer - You will receive email alerts notifying you of a new read request and asking you to visit your Read Request Management Page where you can find out more about the reader making the request and decide if you want to grant them permission to download the script.

If you are a reader - On a script listing, you will see a Send Read Request button toward the bottom of the page. Clicking on this will submit a request notifying the writer to take action. If they accept your read request, you will receive an email alert linking to your Read Request Management Page where you can immediately download the script.

At any time, a user can visit their Read Request Management page to see a list of all the requests they have made and/or received with the option to revoke access to a script should they later change their mind.

If you have submitted your script for review by Shooting The Shorts, you may find one or two people are downloading your scripts without submitting requests. This is because the STS Review Team have direct access so they can review your material at their convenience.

Rockstar Members have the option to set scripts so they can be downloaded without a read request being sent and granted. This is an option they can find at the bottom of all their script listings that reads "Bypass Read Request System". Checking this box will mean any user can download the listings script as and when they wish.

Balancing exposure and the risk of intellectual property theft is a common concern for many. Here are some tips for those worried about idea or script theft;

  • Always legally protect work you care about with the appropriate copyright law for your situation (Such as with the US Library of Congress)
  • Never share a concept you believe is valuable until you have completed your first draft.
  • Always remember, it's cheaper and less hassle for a prodco or industry member to buy a script than face a lawsuit for stealing it.

In a bid to help screenwriters bolster the documented history of their script's listing on Script Revolution all script submissions are encouraged to list secured copyright details and a timestamp showing the listing's creation is shown on the script detail page along with the date the listing was last modified plus writers have the option to create noted revisions when making edits.

Click "Join The Revolution" in the header menu to get to the sign-up form. Please use your real details and don't hide behind pseudonyms. If you don't have a profile picture the site will default to using a generic one instead. Basically try to be as professional as possible, not only will it make you look better but it will also make the whole site look better. Being free, Script Revolution sometimes suffers from people who give it no respect. That's not tolerated. If you sign up and fill your profile with junk you will be banned permanently.

If you believe someone has posted content that shouldn't be on Script Revolution or behaving in a way that's unacceptable, and you are a logged in member, you can use the abuse reporting tools found next to script listings, on script profile pages, and on user profile pages. Otherwise feel free to contact me by clicking here and let's try to sort it out.

Check your spam filter for any emails you may have missed from Script Revolution.

In the interest of fairness, scripts are listed randomly so every writer gets a similar level of exposure per script. Being able to buy your way to the top of listings feels good for those who can afford it but it's woefully unfair on those who can't. Ordering scripts by date submitted may sound better but will only result in some people constantly resubmitting scripts to appear fresh. Ordering by number of views tends to just result in the most viewed scripts getting disproportionately more views which only reinforces their standing. Script Revolution works on the principle of detailed data and viewers being able to utilise that data to refine their search.

You can add a website link and links to your profiles on IMDB, Stage 32, The Black List, Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Vimeo, and Hiive. Emails are not publicly shown as to avoid members being sent spam. You can add and edit these by clicking on "My Profile" and looking for the Edit tab at the top of the page. Click the "Edit" tab and scroll down the page to find the social links entries. You will also find a personal contact form option, leaving this switched on allows people to send you emails without exposing your email address publicly.

You can only do this if you are registered and logged in. Next to all other member's scripts you will find these icons . Clicking on the bookmark icon will add a script to your My Bookmarks page which can be found in the top menu. You can also mark a script as read or a favorite for your own records by clicking on the eye or the heart. This is all private and does not affect listings in any way. Not only should this make managing your own reading lists easier, the long term intention is to use the data to create recommendations for all users.

If you have read a script you enjoy and wish to contact the writer to discuss optioning or purchasing it then the best way to go about this is to reference the cover page of the script for the writer's contact details. In addition to this, Script Revolution has a private messaging system available to all registered members.

You sure can, but you must sign up to do this. Once logged in you'll see you have a "Writers I Follow" link in the header. This page will show a stream of activity from any writers you're following. To add writers to this, visit a writer's bio and look for the "Follow This Writer" button by their social media links.

Yes. When you download a script, an email is sent to the writer informing them who has downloaded it. They are reminded that this doesn't mean you have read their material, that it is not an invitation to contact you, or permission to solicit further reads from you. They are strongly warned that pestering readers will result in a lifetime ban.

First you'll need to register and make sure you are logged in. You should see a link in the "My Account" menu in the top right that reads "Add a Script". Click on that link and you will get the add a script form. Some fields are mandatory and some have a limited number of values that can be added to reduce spam.

While logged in, all your scripts should show an Edit button when viewing them within your portfolio on your bio page. The easiest way to see a list of your scripts is to click on "My Profile & Scripts" in the "My Account" menu. You can change the details in the form that appears and scroll to the bottom submit the new details or delete the script from the database.

All members receive email notifications for any downloads, favorites, and new followers while Rockstar Members also have access to a dedicated statistics page showing all activity logged on their scripts.

A picture says a thousand words and this is an excellent opportunity to set the tone of your material and help it stand out, plus many industry members have told me they love browsing through them. Posters of a professional standard are featured on the Poster Wall and are a requirement for scripts to appear in the featured sections.

For affordable professional level poster design, Script Revolution recommends commissioning a reputable designer on Fiverr such as David Rogers.

While logged in, click "Edit My Profile" in the "My Account" menu. Or, when viewing your profile, click the "Edit" tab below your name to edit your details.

While logged in, click "My Profile & Scripts" in the "My Account" menu. This is your public profile page. The url in your browser should read "". You can share this link wherever you wish and viewers will see your bio and uploaded scripts regardless of if they are registered or logged into Script Revolution. Please note that changing your name will also change the url.

Script Revolution can provide additional exposure to scripts and writers that have gained prestigious awards, professional coverage recommendations, and/or personal accolades. Writers are welcome to add what they wish to the All Accolades & Coverage fields of their script listing while everything else, which feeds into the script listings and featured sections, are checked and added by hand. To submit an award, coverage documentation, coverage recommendation, or personal accolade, you must email any materials and sufficient evidence to

This list shows what's currently accepted and is subject to change as Script Revolution continues to build relationships with new partners while consulting industry members on what they hold in high regard

  • Professional coverage endorsements;
  • Professional consultancy endorsements;
    • No BullScript Consulting (Danny Manus)
    • Scriptfella (Dominic Morgan)
  • Prestigious awards;
  • Personal accolades;
    • International Screenwriters' Association - Top 25 Writers to Watch

You can get 10% off all Script Reader Pro coverage by becoming a Rockstar.

Once any awards/recommendations are added to a script, it will be found when users ultilise certain filters and, if you are a Rockstar Member, it will be eligible for inclusion in the featured sections (subject to having a high enough quality poster). Scripts with awards also feature a small golden trophy symbol whenever shown within listings while scripts with recommendations feature a golden bullhorn symbol.

Scripts featured on the Featured Scripts page and front page section are pulled from the database based on a certain criteria. Firstly, only scripts written by Rockstar Members with a poster image rated high enough quality are eligible. Secondly, a script has to have been favorited by at least seven readers.

Yes, Script Revolution regularly submits all its content to Google automatically including script listings and user profiles. This is to maximise exposure for members, particularly those who don't have their own website.

I've gotten all the filter terms from various open sources on the net. I feel that's the fairest way. Don't judge me and no, I don't know what some of those subcultures actually are.

A new seed is generated for every person using the search scripts listing each hour. For that hour you will see the results for your search in the same order. This is so pagination works without re-ordering the results every time someone clicks the next page of results. What you see on your screen is not the same order as another user sees at the same time.

You certainly can. Scroll down the script edit page and you'll see options to add a Show Bible or Pitch Deck. These will show on your listing as separate download options under the script download button.

Yes, in the revisions section when editing a script listing, you can set the script so it is unpublished and only you can see it. You can also set a script status as a sample of work, optioned, sold, which will mean it shows in fewer lists.

Rather than working to the theory that there is one best way to highlight a script, Script Revolution offers multiple ways for material to find its way in front of industry members and it's best to try and ultilise all of them, if you can. If you are looking for a silver bullet, you will not find one. Industry members find material here in a variety of ways which is good news to anyone new to the site or uploading fresh content.

The Basics

The best place to start, and I'm sorry if this sounds a little corny, is with having a great story concepts with great loglines and engaging synopses that explain who the characters are and how the story plays out. That's what readers are exposed to more than anything else and will help demonstrate your value and craft skills as a writer. Script Revolution prioritises scripts in the listings that have a synopsis included. In addition to that, it's essential to make sure you have tagged your scripts with all the appropriate tags as you don't want to miss out on any of those specific searches readers make where your material may apply. A high impact poster image will not only draw attention to your material and help communicate the subject and tone, it may get your scripts onto the Poster Wall. It's also important to come across as professional. Have you completed your bio? Have you uploaded a decent headshot? What about your IMDb? Beyond that, you can gain favourites on your scripts over time as more people read them and this will be shown next your scripts in listings to help them stand out. 

Rockstar Benefits

Scripts added by Rockstar Members are eligible to be listed in all Hot Lists such as Most Loved Rockstar Scripts and Most Popular Rockstar Scripts where favorites and views will push scripts to the top along with the dedicated All Rockstar Scripts and New Rockstar Scripts lists which are random. Rockstar Members themselves are included on the Most Followed Rockstar Writers list. The most exclusive list is the Featured Scripts list which combines poster quality and various other forms of validation as detailed here. All scripts added by Rockstar Members also go to the top of all listings and have a badge showing the member's status so people browsing know they have gone the extra mile to invest in themselves.

Further Investment & Validation

In addition to becoming a Rockstar Member, the quickest way to gain validation is to purchase recognised professional coverage for your best scripts. Any strong considers or recommends will boost your material up the listings with a golden bullhorn icon next to it. A prestigious award will, of course, get a script into the Award Winning Scripts list and mean it gets a golden trophy icon next to it.

So the strategy can be as follows;

  1. Write great story concepts (well duh!).
  2. Make your listings as detailed and engaging as possible.
  3. Get a kick-ass poster made and add it to the listing.
  4. Be patient as people read and (hopefully) favourite your work.
  5. Become a Rockstar Member to further stand out.
  6. Get respected coverage and submit any recommendations.
  7. Enter a prestigious competition and submit any placements.

When it comes to your short scripts, Script Revolution has the added bonus of allowing you to submit them to the Review team who may give it a positive review. No guarantees though. It's free after all.

The best way to support Script Revolution is to spread the good word. The more writers and more filmmakers using the site the better. Some neat ways you can support Script Revolution include;

  • Following the Script Revolution Twitter account, sharing any tweets, and mentioning the site.
  • Liking the Script Revolution Facebook Page and sharing any updates.
  • Following the Script Revolution LinkedIn Page and sharing any updates.
  • Sharing potential readers a link to your script on Script Revolution - this way they get to see all your loglines too.
  • Putting your Script Revolution profile page link on your various web bios - a great way to drive people to your scripts.
  • Letting me know of any success stories by contacting me so I can make a right old fuss about it (and hopefully get the writer more exposure).

You can also support Script Revolution financially by becoming a Rockstar member plus sales of Turn & Burn: The Scriptwriter’s Guide to Writing Better Screenplays Faster go back into keeping the site free to everyone.

Maybe, I can certainly take a look and consider it. Send me your idea via

Besides the all round good feeling of helping keep Script Revolution going, benefits of becoming a Rockstar member include;

  • Priority listing and highlighted Rockstar status for all your scripts.
  • A shoutout in the monthly newsletter with a link to your profile.
  • Credited Rockstar status on the Script Revolution web site.
  • Ability to access your statistics page.
  • Ability to set scripts to bypass Read Request system.
  • Eligibility for your scripts to be randomly chosen as Script Of The Day.
  • Eligibility for your scripts to appear in all Hot Lists.
  • Eligibility for your scripts to appear on the front page.
  • Daily private message limit raised.
  • 10% off all Script Revolution merchandise.
  • One month's free access to the Stage 32 Writer's Room.
  • $50 off the Gauntlet from ScriptHop.
  • 50% off a Prewrite annual subscription.
  • 50% off Killer Shorts entry.
  • 30% off any WriterDuet subscription.
  • 25% off Script Studio software.
  • 25% Off Consultancy With Alec Trachtenberg.
  • 15% off Sound of Scripts productions.
  • 10% off all Script Reader Pro coverage.
  • Consideration to be chosen by Deadalus Films for pitch deck creation.
  • The warm fuzzy feeling Script Revolution exists and remains free in-part thanks to your contribution.

To learn more about becoming a Rockstar member, click here. The support genuinely makes a huge difference.

Any Script Revolution member can ask to have a "Verified" badge added to their account by providing additional details to help prove they are an industry member. This can help when reaching out to other members to read their material, make deals, or set up meetings. The process followed typically is to cross-reference a members registered email address here with the one they have displayed on IMDb Pro. 

Here's the thing, and it's something I've been trying to tell people for a long time. The reason why script hosting websites are often expensive is simply because they can get away with being expensive. They pinky promise that they have the best, most valuable, audience out there while being accountable for nothing. Writers submit their scripts in good faith and walk away disheartened that their material must suck when they don't get a bite. One in thousands get a result and that's supposed to qualify the whole service as worthwhile. Yes, some websites offer some additional ways to get exposure but you are paying an additional charge for that. Yes, some websites have to cover their development, marketing, and staff costs but they chose to speculate that capital. The fact is, a lot of writers have been paying a hell of a lot for very little and a few people have been getting stinking rich off their determination. For too long paid directories have been trading on writer's hopes rather than the directory's results. It's time to take back control and balance things out.

I have a very simple response to this; Script Revolution has been around for years now and has thousands of members. If there was any kind of scamming going on, it would be well publicized with many people talking from personal experience. The fact is, it's very rare to run into someone making these kind of accusations but, as the site grows, they are only more likely to crop up. Script Revolution has strict policies demanding professional behavior in both profile creation and script listing submissions. Some try to abuse these requirements and leave the site angry when their accounts are blocked. Others simply take grievance with myself, particularly my upfront stance on the value of employing consultants, and lash out at the site as a result. My advice is that you seek validation from trusted sources and avoid taking the opinions of anonymous posters too seriously.

This is almost impossible to answer without context as every writer's situation and aspirations vary. However, as a general guide, you should consider reading my article A Screenwriter’s Basic Guide to Analysing Early Offers to help make your decision. 

Shootin' The Shorts is a project brought into Script Revolution that has since grown into a new off-shoot known as Shootin' The Scripts. The former handles short scripts exclusively while the latter handles features and pilots. A small team of dedicated readers regularly read material that has been submitted to them and pick out scripts they feel standout and must be showcased to filmmakers. To do this, they write a positive review on what they feel makes that script special which gets posted to the two feeds and added to script detail pages.

No. There is no preferential treatment given to scripts featured in reviews and they remain sorted randomly within the script listings.

Firstly, you need to have your script uploaded to Script Revolution. Once that's done, go to your script edit page, scroll to the bottom, and check the "Submit For Review" checkbox. This will add your script to the read pile. Please give the readers plenty of time to consider your submission and be aware that there is no guarantee that your script will be reviewed.

You bet your little cotton socks they will. All reviews show up on the relevant script pages to help their chances of getting optioned and boost scripts into the Featured section of the site.

No, not at all. Scripts chosen for review are only those that align with that reader group at the time of submission. Alignment between writers and readers is always subjective. The important thing is not be disheartened and move on looking for other opportunities.

Script Revolution is here to create a safe and level playing field. Abuse such as scraping, spamming, fraud, and phishing, among others is not tolerated. Efforts are made to screen all new accounts to make sure they meet the sign-up criteria, limits are placed on certain activities, and users can report what they believe to be abuse at any time. Accounts failing to meet the sign-up criteria are blocked on detection. Accounts found to be abusing other members are deleted and the user permanently banned. Accounts exceeding activity limits or engaging in otherwise suspicious behaviour are temporarily restricted until either the activity is addressed or a deeper investigation is made.

You absolutely should not be following, favouriting, bookmarking, or messaging en masse, soliciting reads, trading any form of activity, or using sock-puppet accounts to try and increase your exposure on Script Revolution. This is considered spamming and may result in a permanent ban. A fair system has been put in place to help writers gain exposure via the quality of their writing alone.

Activity limits are as follows;
Maximum number of users you can follow: 2,500 at any one time.
Maximum number of scripts you can mark as favourite: 1,000 at any one time.
Maximum number of scripts you can bookmark: 200 at any one time.

These limits are made as leniently as possible. There is no good reason why any user should be exceeding them.

Restricted accounts maintain their bios and script portfolios and can still be found via the search facility but aren’t considered eligible to appear in any listings in any form until the restriction is lifted.

Although Script Revolution uses a read-request system by default, which allows writers to control who downloads their material, the three main known AI related bots have been blocked from accessing the site in its entirety. These include;

CCBot - Sometimes used by ChatGPT, Bard, and others.

ChatGPT-User - used when a ChatGPT user instructs it to reference a website.

GPTBot - the bot OpenAI uses to collect bulk training data to train ChatGPT.

"Bots" are pieces of software which find their way around the internet and analyse the content they find in various ways. The most common types of bots are those used by search engines to help build their indexes.

While Script Revolution isn't inherently against AI, it is against the concept of having AI training data scraped without permission. This extra level of protection being implemented, which is being done at an IP level, means even synopsis, loglines, are protected as best as they can be.

Rockstar subscriptions automatically renew on either a monthly or yearly basis depending on their type. Cancelling a subscription is easy, simply go to your profile page while logged in, click on "Recurring fees" and select "cancel" from the options column next to your order. This will stop any further charges being made to your card. If you have started a Rockstar subscription via Patreon or PayPal, you need to go into those systems and cancel from there.

If your subscription has been renewed and you didn't want it to but forgot to cancel, please email within a few days of the charge and I will action a refund as soon as possible.

If you feel a charge has been made in error, please email immediately to discuss the issue and receive a refund if Script Revolution is at fault.

Please email to start the process of deleting your account.
