I'm Alexander David Sampson. I'm from Sussex in the UK and I'm 12,352 days old at the time of writing this.
I've been writing screenplays for more than ten years (as a hobby). I spent several years working part-time which afforded me the time needed to focus on developing my skills. I lean towards Fantasy, Comedy, and Science-fiction, but all of my scripts contain elements of other genres. I also really dig the Horror aesthetic.
I focus on building deep, cohesive worlds to play around in with my characters. Everything connects to everything else in some way, every character has a counter-character, and every decision has reason behind it. I sometimes write backwards, starting at the end and retroactively filling in the story.
My stories often involve a journey to some far-away magical realm, or alien planet. I'm a Christian, but I've been lots of other things in the past including an Atheist and a Satanist. I like to think this shows through in my work, as I approach subjects from multiple points of view. My projects range from mid to high-budget movies and television shows. My current project is a science-fiction drama series called Zodiak. Pilot script out now!
The best way to contact me is by email, or through this website! My phone rarely has signal at work, so if you call me I probably won't find out until two weeks later when I get a notification from my abysmal voicemail service.