Andrew Leith | Script Revolution
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Andrew Leith

Going to change my Bio. Fade In is the easy part, but its getting to the Fade Out that's at really matters. I believe in making original movie scripts from my own imagination and giving the charaters and the stories life and magic. 

Scripts By Andrew

Alien Exterminators
Things are not what they seem.
Feature Action, Sci-Fi, Thriller For sale 72pp
1 reader loves this script
Alien Assasinators
Thing are not what they seem.
Feature Sci-Fi, Thriller For sale 72pp
Lost Time
When four friends stop at the security gate of Area-51, they didn't think that an ordinary day could turn out to be any different than an ordinary night.
Short Sci-Fi For sale 5pp
6 readers love this script
Afraid of The Light
A vampire known only to a few, has come to a cross-roads in his life and has decided that acepting his fate can be the only alternative to saving his soul.
Short Horror For sale 8pp
4 readers love this script
A Difficult Choice
What turns out to be a normal day for a 13-year-old boy suddenly changes and finds himself filled with magic.
Short Sci-Fi For sale 5pp
3 readers love this script
The Waiting Room
Two strangers are waiting in "The Waiting Room."
Short Horror For sale 4pp
2 readers love this script
As Direcor of the Pentagon, Joel Osbourne didn't realize that things could get more complicated. And very dangerous.
Short Action, Crime, Sci-Fi For sale 3pp
1 reader loves this script
Afraid of The Light
A vampire known only to a few, has come to a cross-roads in his life and has decided that acepting his fate can be the only alternative to saving his soul.
Short Horror For sale 8pp
The Dark Mask
Reese, a patient who visits Dr Lloyd in Mountain View, California, struggles with the evil within him.
Short Horror, Mystery For sale 7pp