Barry Staff | Script Revolution
Barry Staff's picture
Barry Staff
London, United Kingdom

In parallel with an oddball 'career' in McJobs (roof-rack assembler, computer helpdesk, beer bottler, reject furniture salesman, draughtsman, goods-inward operative, a bouncer - briefly. . .) Barry has written a portfolio of feature screenplays, associated shorts, and spinoffs. With multiple laurels for the screenplays and four of the shorts filmed, helmed by himself, he's, SO FAR, had a purchase offer on one feature script, an option on another and a shopping agreement on a third, and a long-form series shortlisted by Channel 4

Latest news:

Winner - Kingston International Film Festival (Script to Screen Award): 'Mashup'

Winner - Paperscreenplay Contest (Best Concept): 'Soundbite'

Winner - New York Independent Cinema Awards (Best Unproduced Script): 'Breather'

Winner - Cambridge Script Festival (Best Horror Script): 'Breather'








Scripts By Barry

A rebellious teen diagnosed as terminally ill wants to live by becoming a vampire, but concludes he needs his mother's help to do that.
Feature Horror For sale 85pp
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Wanting to development and transmit a 'happy' virus (mental contagion getting everyone everywhere all on the same wavelength to solve global issues), a brainiac needs to realise others want to stop him.
Feature Comedy, Sci-Fi, Thriller For sale 80pp
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Wanting to exploit fronting a telethon for career re-launch, a comedian needs to thwart two revolutionaries taking him hostage there, having their own agenda for the evening.
Feature Comedy, Thriller For sale 80pp
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Risk Capital
A thirteen-year-old truant wants to tell security forces all about how she'd unwittingly befriended a hitman in town, but she needs to conceal the full truth from them.
Feature Film-Noir, Thriller For sale 90pp
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Mortgaged Hearts
Wanting a self-obsessed synesthete to 'discern' the one man who truly loves her, an aging, duped bride needs to get him over himself first to be of use to her.
Feature Comedy For sale 80pp
Wanting his new ultra-eco-friendly home to woo back his estranged wife, a meek designer needs to 'go ape' when the world and his wife come calling with ugly intent.
Feature Comedy, Crime For sale 99pp
Wanting up before oxygen expires, a woman in a tiny, malfunctioned submersible needs to overcome others obstructing all her attempts to resurface the vessel.
Feature Horror, Thriller For sale 84pp
Convinced it's his elusive lover's 'sonic' vengeance causing his beloved London's keynote buildings to vanish, a spaced-out musician turns PI to trace her, thereby having to decide where his true interests lie.
Feature Crime, Fantasy, Film-Noir, Thriller For sale 80pp
Hard Top
Two hit-persons want more meaningful lives, but need to find a way to get out of their car for starters.
Short Film-Noir Available for Free 8pp
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Wanting to escape being shackled together on a solitary beach with rapidly returning tide, two wizened brothers need to flashback through dodgy memory banks to discover an exit route.
Short Comedy Available for Free 9pp
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Wanting to transmit her ‘happy virus’ worldwide (contagion bringing universal accord to solve global issues), a brainiac needs to persuade two sceptical colleagues to join her.
Short Sci-Fi Available for Free 10pp
Wanting sex again after an op leaves erectile dysfunction, a husband needs a nurse coming to his aid.
Short Comedy Available for Free 8pp
The Red Lion
Wanting to spend her last day in London seeking the pub where Marx conceived the Communist Manifesto, a destitute third-world backpacker must persuade her fellow traveller it's their ultimate sightseeing.
Short Adventure Available for Free 11pp
Full Marx
Re-materialising today in mutual old-haunt London, Karl and Groucho see themselves as Marx brothers, wanting capitalism finally laughed into oblivion, but need to discover an audience with an appetite for it.
Short Comedy Available for Free 12pp
Bright Light, Mean Shadow
Wanting to fathom a stranger in town, a thirteen-year-old truant girl needs to realise he's a hitman on a contract to take out a visiting politician.
Short Thriller Available for Free 11pp
Wit's End
Prepping a comeback, a has-been comedian needs to thwart an armed couple taking him hostage there, having their own agenda for the evening's 'entertainment.'
Short Comedy Available for Free 11pp
Wanting to consummate her marriage to a much older man, a virginal bride needs to reappraise it when things start going disastrously wrong.
Short Comedy Available for Free 8pp
Gagging For It
Wanting to pool their resources as a comedy duo, two physically challenged men need to get through an audition to prove it'll work.
Short Comedy Available for Free 14pp
Deadly Love
Wanting a solitary game of Cluedo, a woman instead suffers a deadly game with an intruder in the house. But another woman seems to be coming to her rescue. But nothing's as it seems.
Short Thriller Available for Free 9pp
Carbon Dating
Wanting a girlfriend via dating sites while working a lonely late-night call-centre shift, a young man needs to reappraise things when discovering a beautiful young vagrant hiding under a desk.
Short Drama Available for Free 9pp
