In parallel with an oddball 'career' in McJobs (roof-rack assembler, computer helpdesk, beer bottler, reject furniture salesman, draughtsman, goods-inward operative, a bouncer - briefly. . .) Barry has written a portfolio of feature screenplays, associated shorts, and spinoffs. With multiple laurels for the screenplays and four of the shorts filmed, helmed by himself, he's, SO FAR, had a purchase offer on one feature script, an option on another and a shopping agreement on a third, and a long-form series shortlisted by Channel 4
Latest news:
Winner - Kingston International Film Festival (Script to Screen Award): 'Mashup'
Winner - Paperscreenplay Contest (Best Concept): 'Soundbite'
Winner - New York Independent Cinema Awards (Best Unproduced Script): 'Breather'
Winner - Cambridge Script Festival (Best Horror Script): 'Breather'