Charles Castro | Script Revolution
Charles Castro's picture
Charles Castro
New York City, United States

Charles Castro is a former New York City Police sergeant; as a police officer he was involved in many hair-raising situations however, one incident in particular stands out.

Charles Castro made headlines in all major newspapers when he rescued several hostages from a violent gunman. It was a harrowing event where Charles negotiated the release of three hostages.

Charles Castro is also the author of the book NYPD Blue Lies. It is a true story about racism, corruption, cover-ups and murder in the NYPD.

Charles Castro was one of the founding fathers of the Latino Officers Association. The LOA is a fraternal organization within the NYPD. The organization now has several thousand members.

The LOA advocates for the civil rights, fair, and equal treatment of minority officers, as well as fair and equal treatment for the black and Hispanic communities of New York City. Charles Castro was a champion of the LOA historical lawsuit where the NYPD settled the lawsuit for $27.4 million.

Charles Castro is now in the business of private investigations & security. He’s been in the security business now for over twenty years.  

Prior to the security field, Charles Castro worked in the New York City Council, as well as the New York State Assembly. 

Currently Charles Castro has completed the script for screen play NYPD Blue Lies.


Scripts By Charles

NYPD Blue Lies
A true story about the New York City Police Department. NYPD Blue Lies has it all, gun battles, hostage taking, group sex, drug dealing cops, police executions, and much more.
TV Pilot Crime For sale 120pp