Blog Articles | Script Revolution

Blog Articles

CJ Walley 09 Aug 2023 8

Articles on AI are running thick and fast right now, so I forgive that little sigh you made when you saw the title for this one pop-up. If, as a screenwriter, you have time for one blog on the subject however, please make it this one, because I feel it’s time for a little balance and realism before many writers realise it’s too late to change their approach and find themselves rapidly left behind - CJ

CJ Walley 23 Mar 2023 2

For a community obsessed with breaking in, you’d be forgiven for thinking the amateur screenwriting world talks about nothing but what it’s actually like to work in the industry. Sadly, that’s not the case, as very few of those giving advice have ever made it, and those that have tend to get ostracised for their heretic-like views that go against the grain. Here’s ten things I feel you need to know based on my own experiences - CJ

CJ Walley 02 Mar 2023 7

As many of you who are familiar with me know, I like to keep things real when it comes to sharing my journey along the emotional rollercoaster that is building a screenwriting career. On the outside, it may look easy, or even an indulgence, to candidly share the tough times, but being honest, open, authentic, and ultimately vulnerable, isn’t easy, especially when the content is dark and seemingly negative. The following article describes one of my most arduous periods thus far, and I’m sharing it for one main reason - I wish someone had told me about this BS before I had to face it - CJ

CJ Walley 30 May 2022 5

So, I ended Part 2 of this series on a bit of a cliff-hanger… if you call a cliff-hanger the build up to something we all really know the ending to! After effectively writing three new spec scripts, re-writing a previous spec, and eventually getting a green-light on new feature film, our hopes were dashed at the eleventh hour as the pandemic hit and shut Hollywood down - CJ

CJ Walley 18 Jan 2022 5

Today marks my ten-year anniversary in screenwriting. I like to think I have quite a bit to show for it now that I’m a writer-producer with a few feature films, my own production company, a book on craft, and a script hosting platform to my name. That said, I’ve lost a lot too, in a bid to survive long enough to break in. It’s been a hell of a journey that’s tested the fortitude of my mental health to its limits. Something I’m sure many of you can relate to. Let’s take a look back down memory lane and see what lessons have been learned - CJ

CJ Walley 13 Jan 2022 8

When you’ve spent a long time in a particular profession, it’s hard to ever take that hat off fully. I did twenty years in the field of marketing and now tend to see everything through a marketeer’s eyes. Since then I’ve spent a decade in the world of filmmaking so I’ve naturally become fascinated with the marketing obstacles screenwriters face. I built Script Revolution to help tackle the most fundamental issue of exposure and now I want to talk about another issue few writers seem to be taking seriously, an issue I’m calling “The Gap” - CJ

CJ Walley 27 Dec 2021 0

It's time once again to revisit my annual blog about forming a plan to succeed in screenwriting in the next calendar year. Christmas is a great time to pause and reflect on where we are and I'm trying to keep this guide updated with any new information I find and keep it in context in regard to the current state of events. Needless to say, it's been another weird year - CJ

CJ Walley 23 Nov 2021 8

I’ve spent the best part of ten years now hearing the phrase “you’ll look like an amateur” over and over again within screenwriting communities but, more often than not, what’s fussed over is petty and ambiguous. Yet, at the same time, I see behaviour that screams NOOB from the rooftops that it seems nobody’s talking about. So, here’s a list of what jumps out to me and how to correct the course - CJ

CJ Walley 15 Oct 2021 2

I’m a painfully loyal person and, while that sounds like a strength, I’m not entirely sure it is. It’s a trait. Loyalty is a strange beast that can often be tied to a lot of different factors that mean what looks like loyalty in others might be something else entirely, while our own loyalty can often be exploited. I want to introduce you to a concept; the difference between having our loyalty rewarded and having our loyalty abused - CJ

CJ Walley 03 Jun 2021 0

You know, one of the greatest feelings in the world for me is learning about how Script Revolution is helping change people's trajectories and bringing more films into life. This is one of those very special days when I get to share some photos of a production in progress thanks to members of this community connecting. So how cool is this? Check out these exclusive behind the scenes photos and stills from the production of "The Legend of Lake Hollow". I'm feeling very proud of these guys and honoured to be part of their journey - CJ

CJ Walley 23 Feb 2021 5

I’m, as of time of writing, 41 years old with an emphasis on the old. When I was a kid, I was exposed to the American New Wave films of the 70’s via rented video tape and, as I moved into my teens, the Independent Cinema Movement of the 90’s via late night TV and DVD. Lucky me. Generation-X got a damn good deal. I miss these eras dearly but it’s time to move on and get real -  CJ

CJ Walley 19 Jan 2021 4

If you’ve added a script listing to Script Revolution in the past few months, you’ll have likely noticed that you have the option to add a link to what’s called a ScriptHop Packet and you may have noticed my listing for Blueberry Special includes one. So what’s the deal? Why have I been so quick to implement this relatively unknown platform and promote what many would see as a direct competitor?— CJ 

CJ Walley 22 Dec 2020 7

Around this time last year, I published the blog “A Plan to Succeed in Screenwriting in 2020”. I wanted to revisit this with all I have learned in the previous twelve months. Therefore, this is the same document redrafted with some new reflections. 2020 has been a strange year to say the least and its impact on the film industry so significant it will most likely be changed forever as a result. Let’s dive in — CJ

CJ Walley 18 Nov 2020 13

So, I’m in a weird but exciting place right now. A feature film I’ve written is set for release in North American very shortly. It’s going to be stocked in Walmart, Best Buy, and Amazon to buy on DVD and available on multiple streaming platforms. It’s been an exhilarating couple of years from unknown amateur to working screenwriter so here’s the most important lessons I’ve learned along the way — CJ

CJ Walley 16 Aug 2020 6

If you know me, you know I rarely have a good word to say about screenwriting gurus. In fact, in the eight years I’ve been screenwriting, I’ve made many an enemy of these self proclaimed experts. I don’t actually hate them. I know some very respected consultants working for the big studios and my fellow producers and I use them to reassure investors our script is ready for market. I just hate people who rip off naive amateurs trying to go pro. So, here’s five ways you can spot a grifter before it’s too late - CJ

CJ Walley 04 Aug 2020 0

As someone who’s becoming somewhat seen as an opinion leader within the break-in screenwriting world, I get approached by people all the time asking me to judge competition entries, read books, and try out thir software. I almost always say no because their business operation is often predatory and against the interests of my peers. I’m a working writer-producer so I know what actually makes a difference and perhaps that’s why Prewrite caused me to stop in my tracks and give it a second glance - CJ

CJ Walley 05 Jul 2020 4

Yes, we all know the rehearsed phrase by now, “Final Draft is the industry standard!”, an axiom it seems many screenwriters feel obliged to screech at anyone who dares ask what the best piece of software is to turn our day-dreaming into a full fleshed out, Hollywood ready, screenplay. However, as artists always looking to improve our craft, we owe it to ourselves to explore the other options out there - CJ

CJ Walley 20 May 2020 6

Something I see every day that really pains me are screenwriters walking into the equivalent of career quicksand. I see this happening on various stages of writer’s journeys and sometimes they aren’t so much aimlessly wandering into trouble as gleefully diving right in to thunderous applause. Sometimes they are pushed. Here’s what I think screenwriters looking to build careers need to look out for while treading very carefully - CJ

CJ Walley 23 Apr 2020 4

It’s time for a bit of fun. Look, take this satirical blog post how you want. It’s not directed at anybody in particular but it does pull from various individuals I’ve watched trying to break in over the past eight years and points out a very real problem I seem to see every day within various online communities - there’s too many entitled screenwriters out there complaining about a lack of success while putting in the least amount of effort - CJ

CJ Walley 05 Apr 2020 0

Script Revolution is now a little over three and a half years old and holds a database of nearly 7,000 scripts by over 6,000 writers. Month on month, thousands of scripts are downloaded. We are seeing success stories too as screenwriters option and sell scripts of all types from shorts to features. What started as a small community is growing into a significant industry movement as more and more people jump at the opportunity to host their scripts for free and make the most of being able to search through material without having to be part of an exclusive clique - CJ 

CJ Walley 03 Apr 2020 2

So, around six months ago, following the production of Break Even, a feature film I wrote on assignment staring Tasya Teles, James Callis, and Steve Guttenberg, I moved onto attaching myself to my second feature film project. As the lead producer negotiated signing on, they laid out their baggage which, to my surprise, included me, the screenwriter, becoming a co-producer. In this blog, I’m going to talk about what I’m learning from being on the other side, how I feel that impacts writing, and I how I believe screenwriters can get ahead - CJ

CJ Walley 10 Jan 2020 11

It’s twenty-twenty and time for some tough-talk. You know I’m slowly building a screenwriting career and I want to send the elevator back down as much as I can. There’s a LOT of misinformation out there, more than ever right now, and I feel the need to lay down ten truths every screenwriter trying to break in needs to know before they make bad decisions, end up going in circles, or even worse, give up on their dreams far too early - CJ

CJ Walley 30 Dec 2019 3

You know what made the A-Team great, besides the inherent dysfunction of their dynamic which provided a lot of humorous conflict to entertain us? It was that Hannibal always had a plan and, the second he lit up a cigar and took a few puffs with that trademark grin, we knew they were going to win. It’s time for you to win too and, while I certainly don’t want you to form a habit of smoking Cubans, I do want you to have a plan to succeed in 2020 - CJ

CJ Walley 25 Nov 2019 4

As we head into the holiday season, we find ourselves stirred up by bright lights, jingling melodies, and copious quantities of sugar with the onus on being as merry as possible, content with life, and excited for the future. The reality is that life is hard and these mandatory festivities can really draw contrast with just what a dark place many of us writers often find ourselves - CJ

CJ Walley 09 Oct 2019 4

You see it every day on the forums, how do I break in? What’s the Goldilocks porridge of scripts that will guarantee success? How do I create that magic bullet? Who do I need to talk to to make it all happen? What's Hollywood looking for? DEAR GOD, PLEASE TELL ME WHAT THIS CRAZY TOWN IS LOOKING FOR!? I empathise with this dilemma and I’m going to outline what I feel is a genuine strategy toward getting your foot in the door as a working screenwriter - CJ

