Drama and English teacher - Big desire to highlight classism.
After studying for a BA hons in Drama & English & American Literature I was opened up to another world. I found I had a passion for writing scripts & I managed to get a 1st in my playwrights module.
I found studying very tough for many reasons. However I'm a big believer in 'Trying is Achieving' and here I am. I'm sure one will tell the tale one day.
I have a few scripts in working progress - All classism related -
My most valuable piece of writing for me to date is my self published novel 'Truth be Told'. I self published as no main stream high street big named publisher would even read my manuscript let alone publish it. Why? Classism.
The CEO of Penguin Books expresses very strongly that there is a big problem in the world of literature right now. Due to main stream high st big named publishers not giving the working class writer the opportunity to be considered, let alone rejected and only allowing middle class writers the opportunities, we are therefore getting a false representation of the working classes and not a true representation. This is and will impact academics and researchers for future generations. Worrying!
(CEO of Penguin books expressed his concerns in the Writers' & Artists' year book 2019).
Penguin Books still have there doors closed to the working class writer.
I can see 'Truth be Told' on screen - an insightful gritty tale - Dickens and Cole eat your heart out style.