I am a writer of features that are very tone and character focused. I write characters and let them inform plot. I have a few short films out on the web. Search Youtube for me and you should find "Blood Brother" and "The change in me".
IMDB is where you can find details of my features released and in production.
I have a books on Amazon including "Writing Screenplays with Intelligence" and "Logline". Writing Screenplays with Intelligence is a set of tools I used in my career as an intelligence analyst and how they can be used to develop characters and write screenplays. Logline is a great set of tools and things to consider when writing a logline or a script.
I have a YouTube channel dedicated to writing https://youtube.com/channel/UCeQlVtH1RyISWadMXpZMRpQ on this we also look at loglines submitted at the website griffithscreative.com.au
I am not a big follower of rules and believe a story breaks where it needs to break. But as you will have guessed, most things in life tend to follow a pattern naturally.
If you read my work, I hope you enjoy it. I look forward to working with some of you and helping others.
If you want to know more about me you can head over to my site Griffiths Creative. There you can see some of the shorts I have been involved in as well as other resource that may be helpful.