Danielle Flore | Script Revolution
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Danielle Flore
Carlsbad, United States

I have a self-published short story titled, "The Voices," available on Amazon. My story has mental ilness themes. You can see more of my writing style on my blog.  https://whyamihearingvoicesinmyhead.blogspot.com/.  I am unable to change my listed location in the bar below but I am currently "lost."


Scripts By Danielle

The Voices
Chiara finds herself dreaming of the past. As she reminisces, her mental health deteriorates. Drowning in a sea of abusive voices, Chiara questions whether she has lost touch, or become a victim of darker forces.
Short Thriller For sale 54pp
13 readers love this script
The Wrath of Maeve
A torn man plots to leave his wife, for "the love of his life," but his wife has other plans. She aims to retain her husband, through harmful magic.
Short Horror, Thriller For sale 1pp
1 reader loves this script