Hmmm - how does one craft a writing biography for one that has not spent a life writing? I'll give it a shot. I knew I wanted to be a writer when I was eighteen. I started writing when I was 56. In the years between I got married, had children, got divorced, got married again, had grandchildren and spent more than thirty years as a Government bureaucrat. Exciting - I know. There is good news and bad news in that. The bad news of course is that I spent my life working at a career other than the one I wanted to have. The good news is that I garnered enough life experiences to make my writing more meaningful than it would have been as an eighteen year old. Despite starting late, I have enjoyed some writing success (more on that later) and am rapidly improving in the craft. Best of all, I am now dedicating my mind and time to something that I find worthwhile. Contest success includes: The Beginning of The End and The End * PAGE WINNER (SILVER) - 2017 * PAGE FINALIST 2016 * Austin Film Festival 2nd Round 2016 * PAGE SEMI-FINALIST 2015 * SCREEN CRAFT QUARTER FINALIST 2015 * ZOETROPE QUARTER FINALIST - (2015) The Last Statesman * PAGE QUARTER-SEMI FINALIST - 2017 * PAGE SEMI-FINALIST 2015 * PAGE FINALIST 2015 * BLUECAT QUARTER- FINALIST - 2012 * NICHOLLS FELLOWSHIP QUARTER FINALIST - 2010 La Loteria PAGE QUARTER-FINALIST - 2017
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