David Miller | Script Revolution
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David Miller
Little Rock, United States

Character Actor David A. Miller is from Omaha, Nebraska. Miller's professional career is in Procurement and Contract Management. He is a certified crew member and Public Relations Officer in the United States Coast Guard Auxiliary. Additional accomplishments include the development of an investing application as well as writing his first screenplay in 2019.


Movie Screen Writer (to the tune of “Paperback Writer”)

Dear Sir or Madam won’t you read my play

Took me months to write, but it’s good anyway,

It’s based on a story I made up myself

And I love the plot

So I want to be a movie screen writer,

Movie screen writer!


It’s a gripping story of a complex man

With a lust for life he doesn’t understand

The world’s a mess, and it’s about to blow

But only he does know

And I want to be a movie screen writer

Movie screen Writer!

Movie screen writer (movie screen writer)


It’s a hundred pages give or take a few

And my next screenplay is almost nearly through

You can check it out if you like my style

I’ve got more to come

And I want to be a movie screen writer

Movie screen Writer!


If you really like it would you buy the rights

You could make a million with it overnight

If it’s not your style, send it on to friends

It needs to be made

And I want to be a movie screen writer

Movie screen Writer!

Scripts By David

Book of the Month
Inadvertently embedding a clandestine code in his novel, an unsuspecting author spirals into a race against the clock to locate a hidden agent in Russia - the only hope to defuse a looming nuclear showdown.
Feature Adventure, Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery, Thriller For sale 77pp
2 readers love this script
And Justices for All (Working Title)
Cyber terrorists plot to kidnap the Justices of the Supreme Court in an effort to auction their lives and deaths off to the highest bidder.
Feature Adventure, Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller For sale 57pp
1 reader loves this script