Faraz Majid | Script Revolution
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Faraz Majid
Los Angeles, United States

Faraz got his Doctorate in Pharmacy, Bachelor's in Psych, been a sports and movie review writer and clearly doesn't know what he wants out of life--until now.  He's found a flair for grounded stories in unexplored scenarios and is looking to lend his unique perspective to the world.


Coverfly All-time Overall Top 10% for
Prince of Late Night


WeScreenplay - Consider for
Prince of Late Night

Scripts By Faraz

Prince of Late Night
David Letterman and Jay Leno put their friendship and personal lives under fire as they fight for the Tonight Show throne left behind by former King of Late Night, Johnny Carson.
Feature Drama, History For sale 105pp
WeScreenplay - Consider
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 10%
1 reader loves this script