Gen Vardo | Script Revolution
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Gen Vardo
Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom

I was that kid who never played with toys. I simply set them up around my room and sat for hours on end enjoying the stories that poured out of my head.

A few years ago, after leaving writing Virtual Reality simulators for the military, my stories began to pour out into screenplay format. Seven screenplays in, three going on, and endless notes on further stories, I have found an addiction.

I figured every story idea that poured out of someone came out between 95 and 115 pages, because movies are so driven into us that it's just a natural reflex. I was happy to learn otherwise, and very happy to receive all the complements I've been given from fellow writers on my storytelling abilities.

I’ve always been about writing what I know, as well as always expanding on what I know. For example, one of my characters took up graffiti for a night. Never having done graffiti before and in the spirit of research, I dabbled in graffiti for a night which led to the creation of a more vibrant character that just popped off the pages.

My characters don’t just leap of the page for being boldly researched. In their nature is something very entertaining; having an issue, obstacle, or literally finding themselves at rock bottom, they each refuse to simply cope with where they are. They find an idea, radical to most, which will not only get them out of the dark place they find themselves, but enrich their lives.

As controversial as they may seem from their individual synopsis, these original and unconventional concept driven stories give hope and entertainment in a mysterious and comical way, to areas of life I believe we have overlooked, giving new light to this woke world we’re currently in.

I have written, storyboarded, directed, acted, modelled and animated 3D characters and environments for commercial, solo, and university film projects, and am looking to continue, only in the feature world.

Scripts By Gen

Baby Steps
While using extreme social interactions to cure his anxiety disorder, a man witnesses an attempted assassination, which he has to now complete himself in order to survive the hitman.
Feature Crime, Thriller For sale 90pp
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A Bad Cold
Buried in debt, a broken man learns of the time a famous thief will break into his home and auctions off the experience of a legal killing, unaware of the graphic devastation that lies ahead.
Feature Crime, Thriller For sale 81pp
After teaming up with an unconventional theatre group, a man desperate to make it to Hollywood comes up with his most audacious plan to get there yet, fully aware of the jail sentence it'll cost.
Feature Action, Adventure, Comedy For sale 90pp