Gregg Fidelibus | Script Revolution
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Gregg Fidelibus

Self taught comedy screenplay writer. I've had two offers for my script, Action Star, and one offer for my script, Merry Freaking Christmas. I don't really know what I'm doing but because I have no life,  I've spent it  watching TV twenty hours a day. So, hopefully,  I've learned something through osmosis. I hope you enjoy my scripts!

Scripts By Gregg

She's The Cure
A young man with severe social anxiety moves to Martha's Vineyard for a month to meet the one person on the planet he's not afraid of, an actress he's never met.
Feature Comedy For sale 97pp
9 readers love this script
Action Star
An actress on the wrong side of forty is the only one who can save a kidnapped producer, the man who turned her down for the action role she desperately wants.
Feature Action, Comedy For sale 106pp
7 readers love this script
Deliver Me From Christmas
A Christmas hating package delivery driver falls in love with a Christmas loving orphanage worker and the two must team up to save Christmas for hundreds of orphans.
Feature Comedy For sale 100pp
6 readers love this script
Merry Freaking Christmas
A child-averse, Christmas-hating actress must foster a 7-year-old girl for the month of December to help her get the movie role of a lifetime.
Feature Comedy For sale 98pp
6 readers love this script
Mayor Billy
A twenty-eight-year-old unemployed slacker is accidently voted in as mayor of a small Wisconsin town.
Feature Comedy For sale 100pp
4 readers love this script
Action Star 2
Actress Lindsay Lacy must team up with frenemy producer Billy Pine to rescue his kidnapped daughter in Sweden.
Feature Comedy For sale 100pp
4 readers love this script
Fantasy World
A young slacker must lie his way into meeting his aging, washed up, baseball hero, to fix his swing so he can win a million dollar fantasy baseball prize..
Feature Comedy, Romance For sale 100pp
4 readers love this script
Aunt Karen
A CEO "Karen," who is really named Karen, is forced to take care of her three nieces (who she's never met) after her sister, who she hasn't talked to in twenty years, dies from COVID.
Feature Comedy For sale 98pp
3 readers love this script
Who Stole My Shrink!
A whacky agoraphobic must leave his house for the first time in twenty years to save his beloved kidnapped psychologist.
Feature Action, Adventure, Comedy, Mystery, Romance For sale 106pp
3 readers love this script