J. Phillip Wilkins is a composer and the author of several unfinished books, including 'Desert Witch', 'The Girl From Yuma', 'Laughter, Far Away', and 'Lighthouse At The World's End'. His tenure as one-third of indie pop outfit The Postmarks was followed by a move to the West Coast demimonde.
Won second place in a writing contest at his middle school with his first short story, runner-up to a son-of-a-bitch who plagiarized Stephen King. Became obsessed with Incans after watching an episode of In Search Of. Over the ensuing decades, he split his time between writing and music, finally making a career with a band while working as a production manager for newspapers and tabloids. In 1992 he finished his copy of the illustrated Angry Candy and called Harlan Ellison (his number was listed). He answered as his butler. John doesn't remember the conversation as it has faded from memory due to the passage of time and the surprising amount of Everclear available at drive-though liquor stores in Quincy, Illinois. In 2001 his co-worker opened a letter containing anthrax. Was John not present when the letter was opened? Did the Cipro save him? He'll never know. Moved to San Francisco at the start of the tech bubble, visited the Winchester Mystery House and crossed off the only item on his bucket list. Moved back to Florida when the bubble burst. Joined a band, traveled the world and Detroit. Appeared on the children's show Yo Gabba Gabba which was featured in Wandavision so he is officially part of the MCU no backsies. I suppose what you really want to know are his deep motivations for writing. John would contend you have all the information you need. End of line.
Often called 'the poorman's Doc Savage', Wilkins currently splits his time between Los Angeles, CA and Pompano, FL.