I first got interested in screenwriting as a college student in 1979 (Iowa State University); an additional impetus was the paperback version of the "American Graffiti" screenplay.
From 1980 to 1994, I pursued screenwriting with a vengeance...but other things happened in my life.
Since 2016, I've been back chasing the dream...and it's only because I inherited a Power Mac from one of the codirectors (Nick Holle) of a documentary I was in: "The Entertainers," about the World Championship Old-Time Piano Playing Contest and Festival. (Nick received the computer from the husband-and-wife couple who helped produce the film, Brent and Jackie Watkins.)
The Power Mac has a copy of Final Draft 6. Armed with that software item, and a greater knowledge of the industry than I had in 1980-1994, I'm more excited than before about working to become a screenwriter whose scripts get produced.
Most important of all: This is my fun.