The multi-talented Joao Antonio Nsita is a writer, comedian, producer and director, who is firstly a writer who writes for performers of all background and voice. He was born Joao Antonio Nsita in Angola in 1988 during the civil wars ravaging the country and from ages of six to 8 raised in Portugal and France. His mother, who he won't name, was a single mother who raised through bible teachings, and his father, who again he won't name died during a war in Uige, Angola. Joao is a self-taught writer. He has no formal training or education.
In 2011, at age 23, while living on his own, Joao discovered his love for comedy by watching the office. The British mockumentary following Ricky Gervais character David Brent. He fell in love with writing in an instant. So he started writing things down, and that turned to study the craft of writing through Google. This then led to him reading hundreds of scripts to Him writing them up until 2020 where Joao had the genius idea of starting a podcast you know because the world needs another Podcast.
Joao is a producer, editor, writer and director for the podcast. His first produced work of fiction was Her and Me, a romantic thriller following a butler trapped in a woman's web. Joao then started writing monologues, which range from love stories to stories involving theology.