Julian Martin | Script Revolution
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Julian Martin
Des Moines, United States

Here are my professional goals:  

1. See my spec scripts get made, take on assignments.

2. Get script doctoring and screenwriting gigs.  Writer, co-writer, script doctor, it's all good.  

3. Continue writing occasional novels. 

4. Earn a reputation for being easy to work with.

5. Use any reasonable success to leapfrog into directing.

6.  I can act too, but that's another leapfrog project.  Use any reasonable success to worm my way into sweet cameos, supporting roles (see Craig Mazin in Mythic Quest, hilarious).  

7. Adapt God Emperor of Dune into a screenplay.  


Coverfly All-time Overall Top 10% for
Death's Brother
Nicholl Fellowship - Top 20% for
Death's Brother
Stage 32 - Quarter-Finalist for
Death's Brother
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 35% for
Damon's Inquiry
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 35% for

Scripts By Julian

Death's Brother
Haunted by nightmares of murdering his beloved family, a tech guru must hold onto his sanity while tangling with a homicidal internet cult.
Feature Drama, Horror For sale 97pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 10%
8 readers love this script
Damon's Inquiry
When a young man’s brother is murdered by a rogue demon who just wants to be left alone, he foregoes revenge and helps free the demon from his kind, who must corrupt humanity to reproduce.
Feature Action For sale 108pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 35%
4 readers love this script
A wisecrackin' slapstickin' trio of cosmic Ancients has to take over the White House to lay a trap for a dark god on the loose who gets planet-smashingly angry whenever the vodka runs out.
Feature Comedy For sale 91pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 35%
2 readers love this script
The Angeldusters
When an octoid mercenary discovers the secrets of the crystalline alien species his crew has been exterminating, the truths revealed change his life as he approaches his time to reproduce and die.
Feature Action, Sci-Fi For sale 121pp
2 readers love this script
After discovering that his long-lost mother ended up in porn, an angry young man plays angel and devil in pursuit of the truth, vengeance, and social prestige.
Feature Drama, Film-Noir, Mystery For sale 120pp
2 readers love this script
Martin and Sira
Death claimed half of Sira's soul when she was a child, so she believes her lover Martin must murder her to be whole again, while his messianic student stirs dark, destabilizing forces.
Feature Drama For sale 118pp
What Slipped Away
A retired police officer reminiscing about his son in the park has discovered one more case, the worst he's ever faced.
Short Drama For sale 10pp
6 readers love this script