Mark Violi | Script Revolution
Mark Violi's picture
Mark Violi
Princeton, United States

Mark Violi has written ten feature film screenplays with three feature film script options to producers in New York and Los Angeles and two scripts entering development deals. The comedy feature WIFF has been optioned to both Page Four Productions and Clear Pictures Entertainment. The comedy feature MOBBED UP has been in development with Starline Films. The drama FROM BEDSIDE is currently in development looking for producing partners.

Mark is also co-writer of the feature documentary JOHN HART: PORTRAIT OF A PATRIOT which has completed production in New Jersey. Mark was hired to rewrite the comedy feature PET PROJECT for Millennium Films. Additionally, Mark has had two stage dramas produced a combined six times.

He is a member of the Dramatists Guild of America and SAG/AFTRA.

Mark is available for adaptations and writing assignments.



Coverfly All-time Overall Top 25% for
From Bedside
Nicholl Fellowship - Top 20% for
From Bedside
Austin Film Festival - Top 15% for
From Bedside
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 25% for
Test Drive
Nicholl Fellowship - Top 20% for
Test Drive
Nicholl Fellowship - Top 20% for
Pregnant Pause

Scripts By Mark

From Bedside
When a jaded teacher tutors a teenager stricken with cancer, they forge a unique bedside bond forcing him to reevaluate his capabilities while helping the dying student achieve some extraordinary once-in-a-lifetime goals. A true story.
Feature Comedy, Drama, Family For sale 117pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 25%
6 readers love this script
Test Drive
Strait-laced Jim and his brash buddy broker a deal for a free Aston Martin weekend test drive and shift into a high-speed adventure when the car is mistaken for one involved in a Mob drop.
Feature Action, Adventure, Comedy, Crime For sale 111pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 25%
3 readers love this script
Pregnant Pause
Rebecca is a hard-boiled career woman focused solely on making partner at her firm. Set up with Midtown’s hottest young chef, an unplanned pregnancy threatens her career goals–worse, she may be falling for the father.
Feature Comedy, Romance For sale 112pp
Nicholl Fellowship - Top 20%
1 reader loves this script
Treasure of Tucker's Island
A teen lifeguard uncovers a perilous legend and leads a brazen adventure to claim a lost treasure hidden on a mysterious sunken island whose secrets are guarded by a nefarious local known as the “Mooncusser.”
Feature Adventure, Mystery For sale 102pp
1 reader loves this script
The Pines
Friends traveling from Maryland to the Woodstock Festival have their plans diverted when they uncover a top secret military operation that has them confronting New Jersey’s oldest and deadliest resident—the Jersey Devil.
Feature Action, Adventure, Horror, Sci-Fi For sale 96pp
1 reader loves this script
This Next Year
A school shooting survivor now suffering with PTSD, Kate takes employment at a new high school. In crisis herself, Kate fixates on a student suicide but the truth she exposes puts more students at risk.
TV Pilot Drama For sale 58pp
3 readers love this script