Martin O'Brien | Script Revolution
Martin O'Brien's picture
Martin O'Brien
Kilkenny, Ireland

A young(ish) optioned Irish Screenwriter.

I'm currently working on 2 new features.

IN OUR MIDST my murder mystery pilot is currently doing the rounds in competitions and is sitting in the top 8% on Coverfly.

My debut Feature script PLAYTHING is currently in its festival run and after some impressive results it now sits in the top 9% on Coverfly.

My ambition is to create more Irish content focusing mostly on thriller, drama and horror. I believe that there is a market for it and I know that there definitely is the talent out there to make high quality drama in this country.


Coverfly All-time Overall Top 10% for
In Our Midst
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 10% for


WeScreenplay - Consider for
In Our Midst

Scripts By Martin

Trapped by a deranged man, a mother’s only hope, a child on the end of an intercom.Can she convince him to open her door? &If she knew what he was, would she want him to?
Feature Horror, Thriller For sale 82pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 10%
5 readers love this script
A chance encounter in an Australian outback bar leaves a young Irishman with more information than he needed to know.
Short Comedy For sale 2pp
2 readers love this script
Don't Look Away
After saving a strangers life a man finds himself haunted by an ancient entity on Halloween night. A unique twist on the old Gaelic tale of the Banshee.
Short Horror For sale 8pp
1 reader loves this script
As Michelangelo prepares to carve his most famous statue an impatient prima donna learns that when you cross the master the ramifications are "huge".
Short Comedy For sale 3pp
In Our Midst
When the discovery of a girls body rocks a rural Irish town, a newly stationed Detective must find the killer before gossip, secrets and the finger pointing locals tear the community apart.
TV Pilot Crime, Mystery, Thriller For sale 58pp
WeScreenplay - Consider
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 10%
1 reader loves this script