Matt Zullo | Script Revolution
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Matt Zullo
New York City, United States

Matt Zullo is a retired U.S. Navy Master Chief who has more than 35 years’ experience in radio intelligence, now more commonly known as communications intelligence. He was first introduced to the On-the-Roof Gang in 2001, when he was selected for the prestigious “On-the- Roof Gang” award for career-long excellence in the field of naval cryptology. He holds a master’s degree in Strategic Intelligence from the National Intelligence University, where he researched and wrote his master’s thesis on the On-The-Roof Gang. He spent the subsequent 12 years researching this group of the US Navy’s “greatest generation” and published a pair of books in 2020 based on these men. Both the Naval Cryptologic Veteran’s Association (NCVA) and the National Security Agency’s (NSA) Center for Cryptologic History (CCH) recognize him as the preeminent expert on the On-the-Roof Gang and refer all questions about the group to him.
