michael browne | Script Revolution
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michael browne

I am a screenwriter, however I have always earned a living on the tools. I completed an apprenticeship an as upholsterer with Avondale Upholstery (Christchurch NZ) in in 1984. Immediately, I moved to Australia to become a professional surfer.  This did not quite work out, so I returned to the trade that would stand me in good stead for many years. However, I have always invented stories, even as a child. So I went to Los Angeles to study screenwriting under famed Hollywood screenwriting guru Robert McKee. This was a revelation - indeed on my return to The Gold Coast I completed my first screenplay Mana Tapu. Not long after that I completed my second feature BIRD. After the separation from my wife, I traveled to London, where I worked as an upholsterer and dabbled in writing. it was during my time in London that I began my third feature, The Dance Of Fools, I completed that script in Edinburgh, in 2002 after four long years. It is a post apocalyptic sci-fi story, but just when I had finished it, I was bitterly disappointed with the result. It seemed that my obsessive writing, and rewriting would destroy all of my relationships, so I put down my pencil, and concentrated on my trade, During these years I did write two shorts, SAILOR and White Friday. For the last eighteen months, during the long lock down months in Scotland, I read a wonderful book on  the Māori long voyaging canoes.  This was the inspiration for the latest feature AWARUA (THE PASSAGE). I really feel I have had a breakthrough with this script.  I fully intend to see this script on the big screen, it cannot be a small movie, as it's scope and breadth is immense. I can honestly say it is an epic, and I am very proud of it. But now that the fun part (the writing) is done, I must put on my business man's hat. I am under no illusions - this will require the tenacity and will of a marathon runner to get it made - it will also require collaboration, and teamwork. I can say, that I am ready to go to work. 

Scripts By michael

Awarua (The Passage)
This is the story of the Māori long voyaging canoes. It is the story of mutiny, revenge and redemption. But mostly it is the story of enduring love.
Feature Adventure, Drama For sale 118pp
1 reader loves this script
White Friday
A young professional woman is the victim of a home invasion. But is it an invasion, or the best thing that could have ever happened to her
Short Romance For sale 9pp
2 readers love this script