Monique Mata | Script Revolution
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Monique Mata
Providence, United States

Monique is a self-taught screenwriter. Growing up, her family did not own a television so the local library and drive-in theater were her childhood escape into fantasy worlds from which sprouted a love affair for stories. She lives in a coastal village in Rhode Island with her husband and four indifferent felines.

Co-Lead of The WRAC Group, an online writing community on Twitter (@TheWRACGroup).

• QUARTERFINALIST  Academy Nicholl Fellowship
• TOP 3 HORROR/THRILLER  Final Draft Big Break
• 2ND ROUND  Sundance Episodic Story Labs
• SEMIFINALIST  CineStory Foundation

Scripts By Monique

Sofia's Big Adventure
A sheltered woman teams up with an artifacts smuggler to track down her "dead" father (his former partner) while staying a step ahead of their old boss - a ruthless black market antiquities dealer.
Feature Action, Adventure For sale 92pp
6 readers love this script
Incident at Clear Creek
A recently widowed homesteader vows revenge on the men who murdered her husband and kidnapped her son by teaming up with her ex-lover - a Navajo cursed by a spirit animal.
Feature Action, Adventure, Horror, Western For sale 88pp
Hunger Pangs
Three twenty-somethings are abducted and imprisoned by a dwarf with a voracious appetite.
Short Horror Available for Free 7pp
3 readers love this script