Nazem Kamil Elmasri | Script Revolution
Nazem Kamil Elmasri's picture
Nazem Kamil Elmasri
Charleston, United States

I was born in Lebanon. I am a fifty nine year old disabled US Air Force veteran also a De Anza College Cupertino California film production student . I took all 3 screenwriting classes there , I wrote four feature length spy thrillers. a sit com pilot, a TV series treatment, and many other unfinished works in progress. I also wrote for profit as well as nonprofit business concepts and since I had worked and still working in hotels and restaurants for 28 years I have also wrote concepts for a hotel/5 star hospital healing patients with healing teas and meals, homeopathy etc...

I wrote a concept for a low income housing village, a business plan that I found online and tweeked rewriting the misoon satement,financial forecatsts etc...a book of poetry whch i self published but never sold not even ne copy.

I have workd in the busiess in all aspsects as a paid and unpaid actor, in theater, film, nd television projects, 5 years as movie extra in LA, four years as an actor with the small obscure, Royal Hollywood Shakespeare Comp, with director and producer Sir Gregory Lansing,who with a stunning ensemble that I was part of, presented Shakespearean plays free to the public at Hancock Park in Los Angeles from 1986 till 1992. I started out as a prop man with the company, but by 1992 I had played nine parts in Julius Ceasar, 17  parts atogether as well as co-producing , coaching new talent, and performing PR functions. I went on until 2010 producing/directing and playing parts in shoe string budget filmmaker not to mention the student films I made.

I was hspitalized numerous times in and out of psychiatric hospitals between 1990 and 2005. My last hospitalization for depresion was last month, but Iam okay still operating still on the road to success....I wrote my frst script a full feature length film script by hand when I was seventeen years old, but I tore it up and burnt it because it resembled an already produced script : A Star is Born. resume is available upon request.

Scripts By Nazem

Ben gets drunk and winds up in France but his mental illness and his girlfriend send him , to the highlands of Vietnam and back to the White House.
Feature Action For sale 134pp
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9th WEST
A jew, a muslim , and a Christian have all the answers to the Middle East's problems at a psych ward in Chicago.
TV Pilot Family For sale 34pp
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Raad must liberate his kingdom from his father's tyrannical rule, and rid the Royal household of rape, torture, and murder.
Feature Fantasy Seeking finance 14pp
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A mentally ill Lebanese American fakes his way into the CIA , gets caught, tried in a Lebanese court and is found guilty of treason
Feature Action Seeking finance 124pp
Dick and Rick are having middle age crisis. while Dick is about to get into an unlikely, unsaintly marriage.
Short Comedy Seeking finance 11pp
A geek interrupts the discussion between a Pakistani muslim Imam, a New York ultraconservative Rabbi and an Indian Christian preacher all locked up at a Chicago IL USA psych ward.
TV Pilot Comedy Seeking finance 34pp
A treatment for a weekly TV series drama, about Ahmed an Arab American Marine who finds recovery from alcoholism and purpose by hunting terrorists and ridding the world of economic hit men.
TV Pilot Adventure Seeking finance 10pp