Hello, my name is Nicholas P, and welcome to my profile! I encourage other writers to find their voices and show their art! Everyone has a voice. I found mine in giving a lot of character to the scripts that I have written. Write on!
I just have one ounce of advice for other writers. Please take it. Isolating yourself from everything is not a good idea, especially when you believe it's going to work. Ideas come from everywhere.
All I can tell everyone that has a voice is to stick to it and continue to grow with your creativity. Keep going.
I notify everyone that has request to read my scripts, that I will release them when the time is right, and all I ask is for your patience.
As of this very moment, I am finished with the Issues series and there's no way of knowing if I want to pursue writing more shorts or screenplay's. I feel I have delivered.
So, here are the complete lineup of the Issues Series.
1) Issues
2) Faces
3) Tres
4) Hardships
5) Reap & Sow
6) Love From California
7) Mother & Saints
8) Grit
9) Candy
10) Skeletons
11) Hush Hush
12) Chill
13) Whispers
14) Karma
15) Seed
16) Cyclone
17) Hoorah
18) Scary As Hell
19) Salvation
20) Revelation
21) Retribution
22) Roll The Dice
23) Choirboy
24) Swan
25) Wolves In Sheeps Clothing
26) Lust Of The Flesh
27) Under The Sierra Moon
28) Last Dance
29) Job
30) What?
Due to the latest projects that I have taken the time to prepare my audience for. Salvation, Revelation and Retribution will be the last three screenplays to conclude the Issues Series. There is a name for all of them but when Retribution is released later this month, I will reveal the name of the three script connection.
The Lost Souls Saga is what I see when I think of Nick Valens, Billy Torres and Jamie. Their not lost but trying to find their way to the promised land.
The big question that some of the readers of the issues series, is Roll The Dice apart of the Issues series? The answer is yes. It's twenty-six years before Nick Valens is born and forty before he encountered the devil himself.
Choirboy is the backstory to Bobby Valens, Nick's stepfather. How he met Mary Jane and every situation that affected their lives. Nick Valens mentions that the story of Roll The Dice is told to him by a man to keep him from having one night stands with random women.
The truth about Swan is what happened if Romeo & Juliet had a child. That child is the egg of the Swan ballet dancer.
Wild & Crazy #1, #2, #3 and #4 are backstories to Shelly Owens and how far she has come. I ask that, if anyone is interested in drawing the scripts into comic books, please feel free to message me.
Wild Swan #1 and #2 are backstories to the ballet dancer Brittney and who she is to Shelly Owens.
LOST GIRLS is a whole new series about a teenage girl that is out on her own, trying to make it on her own while having her deceased sisters ghost at her side. Due to the subject matter of the material, I must advise the ones wanting to read. For anyone dealing with depression or dealing with suicide. Call 800-950-6264.