Richard Adrian | Script Revolution
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Richard Adrian
Vancouver, Canada

I worked in Los Angeles as an award-winning Sound Designer on movies such as The Matrix sequels and 8-Mile and supervised the sound for several Action and Horror movies. I currently work on video games in Canada while I pursue my passion for writing horror and comedy.

I won Best Adapted Screenplay at the Burbank Film Festival Screenwriting Competition with a co-writer for an action-comedy script, achieved the "top 5" in the Shore Screenplay competition, and have placed in the Austin Film Festival, Page Awards, and Screencraft competitions. I've optioned several scripts, including a horror/comedy about an alcoholic merman which won “Best Creature Feature," a psychological thriller screenplay featuring rock climbers, a supernatural thriller developed in New Jersey, and one about a killer unicorn.



Coverfly All-time Overall Top 1% for


No BullScript Consulting - Recommended for

Scripts By Richard

A troubled boy struggling to cope with his mother’s terminal illness must learn to control a bloodthirsty manifestation of his anger before it kills everyone he loves.
Feature Horror, Thriller For sale 93pp
No BullScript Consulting - Recommended
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 1%
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