My love for cinema is at it's most fulfilled when I am immersed in a good horror! There is no better feeling than that of creeping terror or dread of what might happen next!
When executed well, horror ticks all the emotional boxes for the audience; along with the hit of fear realised, then (usually) overcome, are relief, panic, wonder, awe...and in the best exponents, some comedy to give laughter. The whole should ultimately provide the audience with a palpable sense of satisfaction.
I find the broad church that is the horror genre a liberating world in which to draw from, and add to.
Anything is possible, the rules can be made up as one makes their way. Imagination is key. But also originality.
My intention when writing is always to wrong-foot my audience, to make them think and think again. To get them emotionally involved in what they are witnessing. Horror can do this superbly!
My watchword is to create work that is compelling.
I was a professional actor in my twenties, but not for very long. I married and took a different life path. twenty five years, two kids, five cats, three dogs and one divorce later, I was compelled to scratch the creative itch that had me up at night.
I've been writing screenplays on and off for about five years now. I've self funded, produced and directed a five minute short- which was fabulous fun, incredibly hard work and the steepest but most rewarding learning curve!
My love for cinema only grows. My love, desire and fire to create original horror stories grows apace.
I am doing what I was meant to do!