Ronika Merl | Script Revolution
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Ronika Merl
Dublin, Ireland

Ronika is an award-winning screenwriter. She also directs, and runs the Wicklow Stories Film Festival.

Having placed highly in both the Academy Nicholl Fellowship as well as the Austin Film Festival in 2019, she has since expanded her slate to contain more than 22 feature-length scripts. She has lectured at Griffith College and has given multiple workshops in Ireland and the UK.

In addition to this, she is the artistic director of the Wicklow Stories Film Festival, which was launched in 2022 and was funded and supported by Creative Ireland.

She is the co-founder of the screenwriting agency Aicearra, representing multiple well-known writers in Ireland.

Her textbook for Irish Screenwriters "The Hustle" is now available on Amazon or can be purchased directly from her.Her first collection of prose, poetry, and letters, “I Love You, Dave Taylor” is available on Amazon as an e-book or paperback, with her second collection “Joy Clings” coming out in March 2023.

She has consulted on projects in the US, UK, South Africa and Australia.

Her directorial feature debut “The Closing” will release in 2023, and is currently in preproduction.

Scripts By Ronika

The Mine
When Lily descends into an ancient mine to find the ghost that haunted her childhood, she must decide between life and love.
Feature Fantasy, Romance For sale 90pp
3 readers love this script
Nisha is sent on a journey of emancipation and healing after her father-figure abuses her in the same way her father did.
Feature Drama For sale 97pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 25%
1 reader loves this script
The Indian Wife
Karina sets herself on fire and gets washed up in Australia, before she has to return to India to save her two young daughters.
Feature Drama For sale 89pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 25%
1 reader loves this script
The Finca
Uncovering a cult in the Guatemalan jungle becomes an obsession for ambitious journalist Pixie, before she is pulled in too deep and must fight to escape.
Feature Mystery, Thriller For sale 89pp
When Ana and her friends are kidnapped, she must use her skill as a guerrilla warrior to get them out.
Feature Action, Adventure For sale 93pp
Roni became a prostitute to escape her personal hell at home, only to find that the journey upwards is a lot harder and will take a lot longer than she anticipated.
Feature Biography, Drama Under Option 115pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 25%