Shawn began writing in 2008 as a means to overcome a lifelong reading disorder. After several short scripts, he took on writing his first feature screenplay in 2009. Six years and several screenplays later, Shawn's highly acclaimed script Equal Retribution was reviewed and given one of the highest screenplay ratings ever handed out by Carson Reeves of View full review here -
Equal Retribution has also been submitted to and placed highly in such prestigious contests as The Academy Nicholl Fellowship and The Page Awards. It was also chosen as a top script on Francis Ford Coppola's website, Zoetrope.
Equal Retribution has also taken top honors at the 2019 NYC Indie Film Festival for Best Screenplay and was an Official Selection at the 2019 Louisiana International Film Festival.
Working with ambitious co-writer Jeff Bush, Shawn’s latest work, Chernobyl was recently completed and is now available for consideration.
Shawn's script The Right Tract was submitted to the prestigious Kairos prize competition for spiritually uplifting scripts where it placed in the top 10%. The Right Tract was also selected as an Official Selection in the 2017 Faith and Family Script Showcase Festival.
Shawn has written for and been optioned by Nancy Glass Productions, MTV, Futurproof Productions, Tyna Productions, as well as other production companies. His previously optioned screenplay Till Dawn (Thriller) has been released and is available for consideration.
Shawn has also just optioned Nikki Lee's screenplay Wrong Exit. Principle photography has been completed and it is due for release in the summer of 2020.
Shawn's screenplay Cold Calm (Formally Reprisal) sold to Drama Queen Productions was filmed in South Africa early 2020 and has been completed and is currently submitted to multiple top tier festivals including Cannes and Sundance.