Steven Faulkner | Script Revolution
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Steven Faulkner
London, United Kingdom

I am a new writer that has been studying the craft for two years now. I have attended several courses including Robert McKee's courses in London.

My background is/was FX and global transaction banking, enabling payments and receiving funds to/from almost any country in the world. I have lived and worked in Africa for the last 10 years. In 2005,  I designed and launched one of the first online, cross border payments system using mobile phones. Unfortunately, it didn't work out, I left nothing on the the table and have no regrets.

In 2023 I have completed the novel from the screenplay with much deeper characters and a highly sophisticated plot, much of it true.

I would be happy to send a link to those that are interested.



Scripts By Steven

Why tell the truth when a lie will do.
Feature Crime, Drama, Thriller For sale 128pp
1 reader loves this script
Fraudmeisters - Enough is Never Enough
Roped into a bond trading racket, a trader soon realises that he is in mortal danger. Caught between deeply suspicious regulators and the violent syndicate, he must get out before he is imprisoned or killed.
Feature Crime, Drama, Thriller For sale 128pp
1 reader loves this script
Bad Aid
Mobile Money in Africa - It's expensive to be poor.
Feature Crime Example of work only 14pp
Extract from Malus - The novel
Why tell the truth when a lie will do.
TV Pilot Crime, Thriller Example of work only 25pp
Broker Dealer Banker Thief
On paper they owned nothing, but they controlled everything.
Episode Crime Example of work only 240pp