Thomas Jenkins | Script Revolution
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Thomas Jenkins
Dundalk, United States

Aspiring future screen writer here.  The writing bug hit me way back in highschool. For periods in my life, a few dollars to see a movie would be all I could muster for a weekend. Creative screen writing allows me to write and visualize how I want my stories to be told.  That hour an a half to two hour movie, allows an artist to enterain an audience and give peace to those you may not ever know.  I have entered very few screen writing contests and I'm hoping for feedback from my other screen writers to improve my work. At the end of the day, "I'm here to tell a story, one that you haven't read or will never see again."

Scripts By Thomas

Football is the only life, Matt has ever known until he meets Jenny. Would you give everything you have to be with the one you love?
Feature Drama, Romance For sale 106pp
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