timothy mcreynolds | Script Revolution
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timothy mcreynolds
New Orleans, United States

Timothy, 46, former musician turned aspiring screenwriter. After many years of writing four minute songs I decided to put down my guitar and pick up my laptop. I have pushed out four features over the last twenty eight months. I write drama in different genres'. I attend a bi-monthly writers group in New Orleans and have received good reviews for my work. I have wasted alot of time playing music when I should of been writing and learning the craft. I have learned one thing for sure, not everyone can't write no matter their dedication. I feel my latest is pretty good but my next is going to be great. I hope.  

Scripts By timothy

The Madman And The Boy
After being released from a Mexican prison, a hardened gun fighter embarks on a violent journey to reconnect with his family only to discover that his pain has just begun.
Feature Western For sale 105pp
3 readers love this script
The Seedy Side Of Sunshine
Following the loss of his young daughter, a troubled Rock Star spirals down a dark and violent path of self destruction and revenge, but finds happiness comes in small packages.
Feature Drama For sale 120pp
1 reader loves this script
Die My Darling
A gritty coming of age saga of a young man growing up on the hard streets of New York City during the mid 1970's.
Feature Crime, Drama For sale 107pp