Ville Nummenpää | Script Revolution
Ville Nummenpää's picture
Ville Nummenpää

I'm a screenwriter and a novelist. Four official credits on IMDB (There should be a few more, don't know how it works?). I have one 12-ep. TV-series to my name, three stage plays, five books (three for kids, two for grown-ups), and various stints here and there. Episode here, a few sketches there, short movies and short stories, audioplay, etc.

I do a lot of comedy, cause I over-compensate for not being funny. But why stop there? I also want to do horror, action, science fiction... in one word, entertainment.

I live in Finland, I'm sure everyone is familiar with the town of Riihimäki?

Always happy to connect with like-minded, passionate story tellers, of which there are plenty here.

Scripts By Ville

The demon Invidia is wreaking havoc in a small town again. Only way to fight it is pure madness. It gets uglier than you'd think. #3 in FRIGHTS, CAMERA, ACTION-screenplay contest 2021.
Feature Action, Horror For sale 74pp
1 reader loves this script
Dead Set at Comeback
Tommy Steele is a dead movie star out to make a comeback as a ghost. He is simply too important to stay dead.
TV Pilot Comedy, Fantasy For sale 20pp
Coverfly All-time Overall Top 25%
7 readers love this script
Team B
Team B (B is for Britannia) is a family of superheroes (of sorts) trying to live a normal life somewhere in the UK.
TV Pilot Adventure, Comedy, Family For sale 25pp
1 reader loves this script
Best Divorce Ever!
A marriage counselor suffers as Anna and Otto dig themselves deeper and deeper. There's only one way out - divorce. Don't worry, its fun.
TV Pilot Comedy, Drama, Romance For sale 20pp
Adam&Eve - The Original Couple
First boy ever meets the first girl ever, in the world's first reality show ever.
TV Pilot Comedy, Romance For sale 20pp
Apocalypse Forever
They’re one happy doomsday-cult. The end is nigh, and may it stay that way forever.
TV Pilot Comedy For sale 20pp
Blastaway Pandas
The loudest, heaviest band in the world. Superstars in the animal world, completely unknown to us humans.
TV Pilot Animation, Comedy, Family, Musical For sale 6pp
Kids Rule!
All the grown-ups were fired from politics, and now... Kids rule.
TV Pilot Adventure, Comedy, Family For sale 19pp
Barry - The Lazy Superhero
Being a superhero is not what it´s cracked up to be. It sucks.
Web Series Pilot Animation, Comedy For sale 4pp
10 readers love this script
A company sells dreams to the masses. Is that wrong or right? Which is better, a reality that sucks, or a fake one being fed to you while you´re in a coma?
Short Drama, Fantasy, Sci-Fi Available for Free 4pp
10 readers love this script
The Entertainer
When one´s life depends on entertaining. Literally.
Short Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, History Available for Free 2pp
10 readers love this script
Carla and Vee - Pet Shop Girls
Violence is usually not the solution, but sometimes... A little story of empowerment in the most rotten of circumstances.
Short Crime, Drama, Thriller Available for Free 7pp
3 readers love this script
A bunch of weird sketches, anyone?
Web Series Pilot Comedy Available for Free 34pp
Brooklyn Nine-Nine - "Literally Genius"
Scully writes a crime novel to end all crime novels. An unauthorized spec script for the series Brooklyn Nine-Nine. Non-canon. To be used as a writing sample only.
Episode Comedy Example of work only 25pp
Coma - A Love Story
What it says on the tin. Ross and Rachel meet in unusual circumstances.
Short Fantasy, Romance In development 7pp
7 readers love this script
One Violence, Please
Patrick has the most unusual profession.
Short Crime, Drama Produced 4pp
9 readers love this script
Spin the Bottle
You can´t win, but you can´t stop playing.
Short Crime, Thriller Produced 12pp
3 readers love this script