Title: Jack
Genre: Historical Fiction, Thriller
Logline: In Victorian London, a young seamstress and former prostitute named Jane Doe sets out on a dangerous mission to catch infamous serial killer, Jack the Ripper, without realizing that the killer is much closer than she thinks.
The show opens with a chilling narration of the life of Jane Doe. We see Jane Doe (early 20s), a woman living in poverty in the East Side of London. Jane goes about her depressing day, continuing with the monotony of her life. Today is different, Lilly Grant (early 20s), her friend and tells her of a horrible assault that took place a few weeks ago. We see the stresses in Jane’s life,
Jane is back at home before her shift at the seamstress starts, an old friend Alice Wood (17)) comes to her house. Alice works at the brothel, and she gives her more details on the assault. Jane’s interest in piqued. Worried, she feels the need to warn her, and even off her an alternative. Alice refuses, Jane like a protective Mother she prepares herself. Finally, Jane ends up at work.
Jane works for Ginny Fitzgerald (forties), Jane is diligently working a dress when Jack enters the humble little shop. Jack and Jane form a strange connection. When leaving work that night, Jane is brutally assaulted and injured.
Jane wakes up in a hospital, surrounded by callous doctors and nurses. Jane meets another victim of Jack’s Lizzie Tompkins (17). We see the psychiatric toll Jack instilled on these women, eventually she kills herself unable to deal with it. Jane ends up with her journal.
Jane is released from the hospital, a horrible scar across her face. Jane seems to return to life as usual, seeing Alice and Ginny. An unexpected Jack returns concerned and curious about Jane. Jack asks to walk her home, she agrees. Jack leaves Jane, his interest in her is just beginning.
In the final scene, we see Alice crying beside the Brothel and who only than Jack is there to console her.
Fade to black.