Holly Floy McCord is a hardy single mom trying to make ends meet by day as a hard-working Hollywood teamster while taking bets and burning rubber at night within the illegal street racing scene she dominates in the most unlikely of vehicles - a huge highly tuned diesel pickup truck known as the “Night Train”. She does this all for her young son Shelby who’s suffering from cystic fibrosis and relies on the friendly but mysterious local outlaw Renzo for the black market medical supplies she can barely just afford.
However, when the notoriously ruthless and unconventional Agent Jaylynne Jackson, a woman who looks more like she belongs in a trailer park than law enforcement, is brought in by the FBI to shut the supply chain down, Holly soon finds her lust for speed, her legendary souped-up pickup truck, and her experience running supplies up and down the highway, is just what’s needed to keep the chain going by becoming the mule herself and driving the essential medication to Vegas at high speed through the dead of the night right under the nose of the police.
But Agent Jackson, who we come to learn is tormented by a big secret from her time in the military and trying to silence the demons of PTSD with sex and alcohol, closes in fast from behind while Mr Maxwell, the devious mob boss who forms the connection in Vegas who lusts over country girls lays out increasingly unreasonable demands ahead.
Growing increasingly exhausted but refusing to give in, Holly continues to try and outrun and evade all those who try to pursue her, including the outlaw Renzo who she’s falling in love with but cannot form an attachment to until she seemingly pushes too hard and has a near-fatal accident while land speed racing with her father Chuck. However, rather than tell her to slow down, Chuck reveals he’s come to accept his daughter has a love of speed in her blood and is essentially born to run, inspiring her to keep fighting and keep pushing.
With no other way out other than to run like hell, Holly, still wearing the bruises from her accident, decides to take her son and run for the Mexican border to start a new life as fast as she can with the increasingly manic Agent Jackson on her tail and Renzo by her side, culminating in a wild cat and mouse chase through the desert badlands which eventually ends in a final standoff just before the finish line which pitches heroine against villainess in a deep psychological battle of wits that see’s Holly kill Agent Jackson with kindness, allowing her nemesis to purge the built-up guilt that’s been poisoning her mind for too long and free her up to chase the corruption within her own organisation, ultimately standing aside for the greater good in the process by letting Holly and her new family unit pass and cross into a new world offering much brighter prospects.