Rearview by Mike Murphy | Script Revolution


Cars are part of our life. . . and death.



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My short story.

Teenager Jesse Tyler gets his first car – an old one that used to belong to the town sheriff. Alone in the car one day, the rearview mirror lights up like a TV screen. Jesse witnesses how the Sheriff killed his brother nearly twenty years ago at Dugan’s Lake, which is still an unsolved case.

When the Sheriff learns that his wife has sold the car, he becomes very angry. He knows what the rearview mirror can do. That’s why he’s stored the car in his garage since his crime.

He tries to get the car back from Jesse, who refuses all his offers. When Jesse lets something slip about what he has seen, the Sheriff pounces on it. At gunpoint, he takes Jesse for a ride in the old automobile. His plan is to drive the car into the lake with Jesse in it. All his troubles will be over.

As he is attempting this, his late brother’s sopping-wet arm bursts through the rearview mirror, strongly grabbing the Sheriff by the throat and squeezing ever tighter. The car veers wildly. Jesse is unable to gain control from the shotgun seat.

The arm finally cracks the Sheriff’s neck and lets his corpse fall from the car to the dirt. It brakes the automobile mere feet from the lake, puts it in park, takes the keys from the ignition, and tosses them to Jesse before retreating into the mirror.

Submitted: October 26, 2024
Last Updated: October 26, 2024

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Mark Deuce's picture
imad chelloufi's picture
Mike Murphy's picture

The Writer: Mike Murphy

Mike, a four-time Parsec Awards finalist, has had over 150 audio plays produced in the U.S. and overseas. He’s won a dozen Moondance International Film Festival Awards (winner, finalist, and semi-finalist) in their TV pilot, audio play, short screenplay, and short story categories. A more complete list of awards is presented below by year. In 2020, his screenplay Die Laughing was a semi-finalist in the Unique Voices Screenplay Competition from Creative Screenwriting magazine. The following year, his TV pilot script “The Bullying Squad” was a quarter-finalist in the Emerging Screenwriters Genre Screenplay Competition. His prose has appeared in many magazines and two dozen anthologies. In... Go to bio

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