A Sumerian hybrid beast roars. An albino rhinoceros weeps. A viper snake torments. A dragon kills a unicorn. And an artist who sees them all. This is Eden's story.
Eden has lived many lives, but she doesn't remember her deaths, and carries the burden of broken memories.
Erik, her drug dealing boyfriend, is tired of the role he's forced to play to help Eden forget the pain of her past. She meets Marc, a lover from past lives who offers to help her become more human. Knowledge clashes with innocence.
The Veil thins in Eden's reality as she struggles to hold on to the edge.
At Eden's art show, she's determined to prove one of the attendees is a fairy tale character brought to life. Violence explodes. Memories return. But no one believes her. No one sees what she sees.
Eden confronts the monster that ate her memories, enters a blinding white Void, and finally finds what she's been looking for all along. The power of her magic.
Prisma Semi-finalist Best Feature, Best Women Writer Madras Film Festival, Best Feature Screenplay Indie Point of View Film Awards.