Father's Day
There's no such thing as a bad day out with your kid...
What are doing reading this? The screenplay is two pages long, give it whirl!
Still reading? Alright, alright, here's a quick primer:
A father and son spend quality time on the lake - fishing throughout the day. The fish may not be biting, but the two soon discover that the key to a successful Father's Day may be just a matter of perspective, after all.
Written by veteran scribe Dave Troop, Father’s Day is the best gift a Dad (or a director) can receive: a quick set-up that delivers a heartfelt, heartwarming, and absolutely unforgettable finale.
If you were reading the script, you'd be halfway through by now. Well, your loss. Seriously…
Simple concepts - well-written and well-executed - are a rare find in the short-film world. Like Celluloid Chicken Soup for the Soul, Father's Day is a recipe pre-simmered and fully packaged to inspire.
This is the kind of script that audience awards were made for: a tender testament to the bond between father and son - and a commentary about the legacies we leave our children.
So if you’re a director looking for soulful, cinematic meditation destined to put a joyous tear in many an eye - this one's a perfect catch. Don’t let it swim away!
Award-winning screenwriter with one feature produced and a further four features optioned or in pre-production. In addition to features, over forty short scripts produced/sold/optioned - including ten filmed. Also occasionally pens screenwriting articles, interviews with writers and filmmakers, and even a short story or two. You can find out more at www.anthonycawood.co.ukRead more
Dave Troop began writing as soon as he could hold a No. 2 pencil. In 2012, he discovered the beauty and the challenge of the five page screenplay while writing short scripts for MoviePoet.com and Simplyscripts. Dave continues to write and review short scripts for Script Revolution and Shootin' The Shorts. He currently is working on a few features and a TV pilot, and plans to take Hollywood by storm. Well, not really storm. More like a light sprinkle. Dave was born on the mean streets of...Read more