Party Mom - Who Says You Get Uncool at 30? | Script Revolution

Party Mom - Who Says You Get Uncool at 30?

Party Mom
Being a Mom doesn’t mean you’re not cool.
…Or does it?

"I'm not a regular mom. I'm a cool mom," purrs Amy Poehler's Mrs. George in Mean Girls. This line comes right after she's sufficiently stabbed Lindsey Lohan with her fake, extremely perky boobs and then told her teenage daughter (and friends) that there are no rules.

We've all known moms like that, right? A mom who still wants to be young, who can't accept the age wrinkles written all over her face. You think that’s as bad as it gets?

Well, you've never met Party Mom.

Written by talented scribe David M Troop, Party Mom tells the story of one Mom's quest to ensure that her daughter (Kayla) has the best tenth birthday possible at Chuck E. Cheese. Turns out, it's a miracle the party is taking place there – due to various “mishaps”, Party Mom’s been banned from several local establishments; especially the “fun” and bouncy kind…

And this shin-dig is no exception. It doesn't take long before all hell breaks loose and Party Mom is drunk, disheveled and dancing on Chuck E. Cheese himself.

That's about when daughter Kayla snaps. She's embarrassed of her mom (as any self respecting ten year old would be) and tired of her antics even more. Kayla demands her mom grow up and storms off to compose herself - leaving Party Mom to reflect on what she's done.

What will Party Mom do? Will she stop drinking? Or agree to act her age?

Most importantly, will she ever be allowed in another Chuck E. Cheese? You'll just have to read this script – and see!

The Script

Party Mom

A fortyish Party Mom throws a tenth birthday party for her daughter at Chuck E. Cheese and single handedly becomes the life of the party.

About The Reviewer

Anthony Cawood's picture
Real name: 

Award-winning screenwriter with one feature produced and a further four features optioned or in pre-production. In addition to features, over forty short scripts produced/sold/optioned - including ten filmed. Also occasionally pens screenwriting articles, interviews with writers and filmmakers, and even a short story or two. You can find out more at more

About The Writer

David Troop's picture
Real name: 

Dave Troop began writing as soon as he could hold a No. 2 pencil. In 2012, he discovered the beauty and the challenge of the five page screenplay while writing short scripts for and Simplyscripts. Dave continues to write and review short scripts for Script Revolution and Shootin' The Shorts. He currently is working on a few features and a TV pilot, and plans to take Hollywood by storm. Well, not really storm. More like a light sprinkle. Dave was born on the mean streets of...Read more
