Blog Articles | Script Revolution

Blog Articles

Robert Bruinewoud 24 Jul 2024 6

Regardless of how far we are into our writing journey, getting read and soliciting valuable feedback can be tough, especially if you want things to move fast. Most screenwriters tend to rely on other writers via feedback swaps or resort to paying professional readers to provide their opinion. In this blog, Robert Bruinewoud offers an alternative worth considering, and he's provided a full guide on how to go about it - CJ

Robert Bruinewoud 02 Aug 2022 0

When it comes to the entire cast of characters within our scripts, writing dialogue that feels both unique and appropriate to each individual can be a real bugbear for many writers. In this article, Robert Bruinewoud details a technique to help get around this issue that starts in a place we don't typically associate with speech but may provide just the inspirational prompt we need - CJ
