RON(20) believes, as the rest of the social responsible population does, that in order to keep the herd healthy from the near future pandemic variant, Delta-Epsilon-Alfa-Theta (DEATh) of Covid, he needs to self-isolate(SI).
Corporate sponsored self-isolation facilities have sprung up across the world. This response is a compromise to a lock-downed population. Isolation centres are usually on university campuses where vaccine research is conducted.
The original SI program altruistically provided Connection for the Isolated via video chat to helpful CHAT-teers.
Being Connected was meant to keep the isolated company over their short periods of isolation.
But something has gone wrong and insecure geeky RON has found self-isolation comforting for his insecurities and anxieties arising from social interaction.
Self Isolation expert EMILY(30s) has found there are several young students like RON, that need her special brand of help. EMILY is able to keep her position as a Pandemic psychology expert, so long as there are those that isolate themselves.
EMILY knows what young men, isolated, need and she gives them just enough to keep them hungry to stay ISOLATED!
RON begins to sense something else is motivating the Video Chat-eer companion EMILY.
Will RON find out in time to save himself from perpetual self isolation?
Or will the seductive child-like fantasies EMILY presents be enough to keep him an Isolated self!
Originally written for submission to the BBC script contest INTERCONNECTED, which unfortunately closed March 2020. Notwithstanding, this near future look at pandemic solutions and issues with the solutions remain pertinent to the human condition.