This feature length script is an adaptation of a Philip K. Dick short novel which has fallen into public domain status. The original story had no characters of color. In my adaption, Thomas Cole is a black American and the lead scientist that aids him is a B/A Hispanic female. Both changes have strengthened the story.
OVERVIEW: Terra finds itself in a cold war with Proxima Centauri, trying to find a way of breaking free from their control. Terra continually designs concept weapons to give them a combat advantage, but Proxima Centauri is also updates its defenses, gaining information through spies. Terra calculates their chances to win a war versus Centauri based on output from their probability computers. Terra comes up with a concept for a an indefensible faster-than-light bomb called Icarus. The odds of victory tip in Terra’s favor, and Terra prepares to launch, but the FTL bomb’s delicate guidance system is having problems, and does not work properly. Meanwhile, Thomas Cole accidentally arrives in this future. He has a genius aptitude to fix things, and his presence in the future throws the probability computers out of whack. The Terran security forces, who want to start the war and break free of Centauran control, attempt to hunt down Cole to kill him, and end the variance in the computers. The lead scientist working on the FTL bomb finds Cole first and convinces him to help out. Icarus does eventually work, although not in the way that anyone may have wanted.
Philip K Dick has had a number of stories made into films. Many film adaptations have not used Dick's original titles. They include Blade Runner, Total Recall, Minority Report, Paycheck, The Adjustment Bureau and A Scanner Darkly. Films based on Dick's writing have accumulated a total revenue of over US $1 billion.
About me: In addition to completing 13 screenplays (with 3 receiving a contract), I have written three novels (one for which I received a contract), and numerous short works (two with a contract).