The In Between | Script Revolution

The In Between

The In-Between
When a woman arrives in a garbage-filled wasteland with no memory of how she got there, 
the sole three residents must help her figure out the mystery and find her way back home.

Getting dumped into a mountain of garbage by a mystic swirling port hole in the sky?  Hardly a fun evening to endure. But we’ve all been there, right…?

Well, hopefully not. But protagonist Alyse Day has. As J. Alexander Johnson’s The In Between opens, Alyse (27) opens bewildered eyes.

Spotting the porthole – and the mounds of garbage gushing from it (including a garden gnome) - she rolls to dodge…

...and finds herself instantly overwhelmed by memories of where she was moments before: a fancy restaurant (clearly not her current whereabouts), on a date with love-of-her-life George.

Stepping too close to the garbage cliff’s edge, Alyse tumbles down – screaming as she does her best Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom hapless slide.

Collapsing at the bottom of the heap, a clearly amnesiac Alyse staggers to her feet:

She looks down at her dress, which is wrecked by the trip down the garbage pile.

Great. George's gonna love this.
(beat; to the sky)
 Is anybody here?!?

Alyse slumps with a sigh as no answer comes. Then -- something fast moves past Alyse's side, around a garbage pile.

That SOMETHING is “Skater Girl”; 15 year old emo snark on wheels. Ignoring Alyse, she “rock” and rolls on. 

Lost in this bizarre landscape, Alyse follows. At least Skater Girl’s a sign of life. Where else could Alyse go?

At the end of the journey: Skater Girl’s house. The teen’s greeted by two more pals: Garden Girl (19) and Handy Girl (23).

Glancing back at an approaching Alyse, the trio scowl and confer.

Fuck. Look. On the road.

Handy Girl looks toward Alyse. She climbs down the ladder.

Another one? Already?

Skater Girl turns around and finally notices Alyse.

The trailer is too small as it is. 
We don't have room for anybody else.

We have to help her. Maybe then she won't be stuck here.

Garden Girl shakes her head, frustrated.

How are you so fucking optimistic?
You've been here the longest. 
You already know: we all get stuck here.

But – where is HERE? Who are THEY? How does poor Alyse figure into this? And in a world filled with junk and… apparently… lost souls, is there any way out?

A meaty 10 minute short for the right actresses to deliver the reveals and twists, The In-Between’s an easy shoot. All you need is a bit of post for the Wall-E style mounds of trash and the surreal vibe, and you’re sure to have a festival gem on your hands!

The Script

The In-Between

When a woman arrives in a garbage-filled wasteland with no memory of how she got there, the sole three residents must help her figure out the mystery and find her way back home.

About The Reviewer

J.E. Clarke's picture
Real name: 

Known for her unique characters and plots, J.E. Clarke has optioned her feature length horror, "Containment" with Primestar Film Group (director Mike Elliott of Scorpion King 4 attached), her SF feature "Stream" with Purryburry Productions, John Noble of "Fringe" and "Lord of the Rings" attached.  Her fantasy/SF "Evergreen" (cowritten for Adam Zeulhke of Zenoscope Productions), is currently in preproduction, along with Entanglement...Read more

About The Writer

J. Alexander Johnson's picture

J. Alexander Johnson, a native of Detroit, Michigan, cut his writing teeth on short screenplays. Over the last two years, Alexander has written over fifteen short screenplays, including "The Golden West", a period drama set at the Golden West Hotel, the only hotel in the early 20th century that was owned by and catered to Black people. "The Golden West" was the winner in the Ink2Screen Monthly Writing Contest for May of 2020. Alexander has written one feature, "The Bus Driver", a...Read more
