Congratulations to Robert Bruinewoud who's had their script "You're Early" produced by Mark Hensley. Mark was itching to make a new short film about two months ago but doesn't consider himself much of a writer. Thankfully he found Script Revolution and ultimately Robert's three page script about a woman finding her partner at the mercy of a desperate burglar after she returns home late at night after class. In a moment of serendipity, Mark then learned about the Rode Reel contest where participants must make a short film that's 3 minutes or shorter, so he cut the runtime back a little and submitted the film. You can watch it here along with a behind the scenes video too and there will be a full cut touring the festivals soon.
Melbourne, Australia 1982. I submit my first "screenplay" (and I use the term very loosely) to the BBC. It was a hugely expensive Doctor Who saga. Needless to say, it wasn't picked up. You can read all about it here.
Now, I’ve been advised that the above is not the way to sell myself as serious writer. I’m not sure why. The fact that any screenwriters’ first screenplay doesn’t sell is...Read more