The story begins at night, with a sleek sports car parking in the grounds of an elegant modern home. SELENE (30s) exits the car and heads for the house.
She enters the kitchen and is shocked to find her husband (OWEN, 40s) at the mercy of hammer-wielding BURGLAR (20s).
Furious, she confronts the Burglar, telling him, “You’re early!” Confused, the Burglar threatens to kill Owen if-- But Selene cuts him off, explaining to the Burglar how he’s made a mess of her plan.
Her tirade is interrupted by a phone call from her accomplice, CON. She berates Con for screwing up her plan, as Owen and the Burglar watch, confused and nervous.
She orders Con to be there in minutes to fix his mess and ends the call. She then demands the Burglar tell her who he is. Freaked out, the Burglar hurls his hammer at Selene and flees.
Selene immediately drops the act she’d been performing and rushes to Owen’s side, tears in her eyes.
Nearby, the hammer lies on the floor beside Selene’s bag, in which is a book titled “YES AND... Improv for Beginners”.
In the distance is the sound of a police siren.
- exterior establishing shots, and
- interior for the main action
- lead (woman, 30-ish)
- support, speaking (man 20s), and
- support, non-speaking (man 40s)
*You’re Early* has now been produced three times, but it is still available should you wish to have a crack at it.
The previous versions were directed by: Mark Hensley in the U.S.; Felix Wollner in Germany (English language); and Will Maloney in the U.S.
You can watch Mark’s short here:
I’ll include other versions as they become available.
Mark Hensley's production of *You're Early* won two gongs [Best Actor and Best Screenplay] in 2021 at the Redwood Film Festival in the USA.
And just this year, Felix Wollner's production won:
Best Short, Best Sound and the Audience Award at the LA Crime and Horror Film Festival,
Best Thriller/Horror Short at the Golden Nugget International Film Festival,
Best Foreign Short Film at the NAWADA International Film Festival in India, and
Best Short Film at the WSXA International Film Festival in France