Neuroscientist Tom Hayworth, who, convinced that disease is remembered or imprinted in the body, is struggling to perfect a memory spray that may help the body to "forget" it is ill. Jolted into action by the suspicious climbing death of his brother, Tom accidentally discovers the catalyst to make the memory gas work permanently.
The gas is stolen by one of the university's benefactors, the sinister Pat Doremus who has his own ideas for the gas and also his own ideas for Tom's stunning wife Yolanda, a black LAPD cop. While Tom has been lecturing Doremus has been leching and intends to turn her into a real-life hood ornament like his Rolls-Royce's Spirit of Ecstasy.
Yolanda is taken hostage and Tom and his best pal Steven come up with a plan to sabotage Doremus' scheme to unleash a deadly computer virus, "Pares' while erasing the memories of the world's leading anti-virus experts and place a cup of coffee precariously on top of Tom's old vibrating cell phone in Doremus' war center server room. They escape from Oligov but Tom is captured and taken by helicopter to Doremus' hunting lodge near Moro Rock in Sequoia National Park. Tom is flung out of the helicopter but crashes into the trees and survives to make his way to the lodge where he fights off Doremus' henchmen then finds his way to the conference center where the memory erasing is to be carried out.
He's arrested by the authorities when he tries to alert them and the FBI to the plot but fights his way back to the conference after a death-defying battle on a log truck with a crazed Lumberjack who works for Doremus. The only way to get a signal and set off the sprinkler systems at Oligov is by making a call from the top of an impossible climb and Tom is in no mood to climb again.
He and Yolanda fight off Doremus' henchmen and do final battle with Doremus on top of Moro Rock as Tom fights off memory gas hallucinations and attempts to climb the peak to make the call to sabotage the virus launch.