The inner city late at night. A narrow back street lined with the entrances of multilevel carparks. The only vehicle is a black van parked opposite the entrance to a carpark. Two pairs of dim, red lights glow from within the van.
A drunk woman in a party frock, SID (30s), staggers into view and enters the carpark opposite the van.
Once inside the carpark and out of view of the van, Sid stops pretending she’s drunk and creeps up the ramp.
A few levels up, three YOUNG EXEC BROs (20s) celebrate PRESLEY’s promotion. Presley wants to keep the party going, but the other two make their excuses, promising to makeup for it on Friday.
The two Bros speed down the ramps in their sports cars, passing Sid, whose eyes flash green-gold in their headlights.
Presley gets into his car and backs out and hears a BAM! He gets out to find Sid, pretending that he hit her with his car.
Sid tries to get Presley to drive her to a hospital, but he tells her he doesn’t want to get involved. Sid then switches to extortion, telling him to drive to an ATM and she’ll pretend it never happened.
Presley refuses, telling Sid he has his father’s lawyers on call. Sid threatens Presley with an ornate dagger, convincing him that lawyers are the least of her worries.
Presley concedes, but the car won’t start. Sid believes the car has been remotely immobilised. She drags him from the car and they head down the ramp, until the lights go out. She reverse direction, and leads him higher into the carpark.
To keep Presley moving, Sid tells him that she’s there to prevent his kidnapping. Presley doesn’t believe it. She explains she was hired by his mother to prevent his father from kidnapping and killing him for the insurance money.
Presley finally begins to believe her when they hear a deep, guttural growl echo up from the levels below. They turn and see weird inhuman shadows approaching up the ramp. Terrified, Presley demands to know what they are. Sid admits she was working up to telling him about them. Presley looks at her, only to see a reptilian human with gold eyes.
Presley screams and runs – straight into a pillar and knocks himself out. Sid is not happy.
- narrow city street – night
- multi-level carpark - night
- lead (woman, 30s)
- 2nd lead (man, 20s)
- support (2x men, 20s)
– face & hands ‘monster’ makeup
– ornate dagger and ornate small, automatic pistol
The short is about a pair of odd couple protagonists (think de Niro and Grodin in Midnight Run, but different) in a tense situation, but with a supernatural twist at the end.