Maggy, a lesbian art teacher who fears commitment, has a fight with her girlfriend Gail after they've been drinking too much. The girlfriend drives away in a storm and dies in a car wreck. When Maggy returns to school, a new principal Oliver Drake, driven by data, a math-science guy, who doesn't understand or appreciate the arts tells Maggy that if cuts ever have to be made, they won't be made in math and science. A residential care facility for girls enrolls a girl with serious mental illness in Maggy's art class. The facility and the doctor who counsels the girls are known for suing schools whom they perceive to have mistreated their girls. Fortunately, Oliver is friends with both the doctor and the woman who runs the facility. What Maggy doesn't know is that the owner, a repressed lesbian named Belva, also loved Gail, and since she blames Maggy for her death, she has sworn to get revenge. When the girl Melanie comes to class her behavior proves to be very disruptive, but Maggy sees so much artistic talent in Melanie that she vows she will mentor the girl. Melanie suffers from DID (used to be classified as multiple personality disorder) and two of her personalities love Maggy. In fact, one tries to seduce Maggy, but Maggy fends her off. Through careful observance, Maggy realizes that some serious neglect and abuse are going on at the home, and as a mandatory reporter, she has to report it. Even though Maggy is supposed to be anonymous, Belva knows who made the call and seeks revenge on Maggy by calling the DFS and accusing Maggy of sexually harassing Melanie. To keep the accusation from destroying her, Maggy must get to the witnesses -- the personalities who know what happened -- to prove her innocence.