After winning a trip to the big city for filling out e-surveys, Paul and Shirley Watanabe arrive at their sublet with their heads buried in their phones, only stopping to take an unprovoked selfie with a homeless man. They are let into the lobby of the building where they search for a “red rock” that promises to provide a way in. They soon find the ancient key when it drops out of an emoji-stained red rock in a nearby plant. Inside is mysteriously old-fashioned, nothing like the online photos and most importantly none of their devices connect to the internet. After shouting for Alexa and searching for a router, they discover that the TV is fake and try to leave but find themselves diverted back inside by an unknown force. Going through withdrawals, they try to connect on a human level but are distracted once again by the sweet, sickening lure of technology when one of their phones finally gets reception.